Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] and in [art] " in BNC.

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1 No longer that fear , that ice round my heart and in the pit of my stomach .
2 Her fingers stroked my balls and her lips slid on my penis and in a few minutes , free to call her what I wished , I pulled her down and mounted her .
3 I could n't stand any more , so I locked myself in my bedroom and in the morning I went to Newhaven and got on the boat .
4 He arrived at my home and in the course of the evening he buttonholed me .
5 A girl from the magazine used to do my shopping and in the end I managed to do it myself , going by taxi and feeling terrified all the time . ’
6 But that 's my opinion and in no way … no way reflects on the present gathering . ’
7 Oh he was on the river he he was always connected with the river my father and in the First World War they towed the dredger from here to Ramsgate and er he was , he was in the Army but he was connected to the Inland Water Transport and cos they were dredging out the harbour at Ramsgate .
8 God did many things in my life and in the lives of friends that I made in different places .
9 As I said both in my statement and in an earlier answer , we have the option to decide at a later stage , when others enter stage 3 , whether that is the right thing for this country to do .
10 In my hurry and in the conceit that is deep within many of us pilots , with our belief in our own infallibility , I had n't done my pre-take off checks .
11 Yes , there is a two tier G Ps service developing in my city and in the shire .
12 ‘ It was only 100 yards from my house and in the playground there the Shotts Pipe Band , who were world champions for years , played every night .
13 has children which he has by his first wife , in my view and in the view of the great majority of people in this country
14 She now drew her chin into her chest and in a voice almost as deep as a man 's she said , ‘ And you dare to tell me to shut up , me ! who 's given her life to you .
15 If the place failed as links the property was a valuable one , and there was no probability in their losing their money and in the meantime they were receiving three per cent which was as good as if the money were invested in Consols .
16 I believe that means the US government has a role in its funding and in the contractual arrangements for the sale . ’
17 She had recently changed her mind and in a moving and closely argued speech declared her support for the combined system .
18 It differs sharply from any of the published movements by this composer , however , in its brevity and in the sketchiness of the left-hand part , in which chords are indicated by figures rather than being written out .
19 Their dress seemed more austere , both in its cut and in the absence of embellishment .
20 To begin with , they thought that the Robemaker had injured him in some unimaginable way , for the crimson mask still had him in its grip and in the flickering light , it looked for a moment as if the lower part of his face was covered in blood .
21 In larger economic terms , however , some previous attempts at intervention in the regions have been misguided , even patronising , assuming the North best supported by being kept in its place and in the ( terminal ) condition it should expect .
22 Secret messages were left in her room and in the ruined oak tree between the priory church and the wall .
23 One extreme assumption was that demand would mirror the demographic decline , while at the other extreme there would only be a shallow decline in demand due to increases in both the proportions of school leavers wanting to advance their education and in the number of mature entrants .
24 The boys started off quite well and used their height to their advantage ( with the obvious exception of Sean Parker ) and finished the first half eight goals to their credit and in the lead .
25 After dinner she wrote a brisk , chatty letter to Chambers , telling him of her notion and in every way ( she hoped ) putting him at his ease .
26 Nora Fanshawe had removed the jacket of her suit and in the thin coffee-coloured blouse she looked more feminine .
27 Well in one they 've got a roof over their head and in the other they have n't , I would 've thought that was a rather major difference .
28 Then , suddenly , when a manager had responsibility for tasks and projects that exceeded five years in scope , everyone seemed to perceive a difference not only in the scope of responsibility but also in its quality and in the kind of work and worker required to discharge it .
29 If we want to support the United Nations in its role and in the reorganisations that we have suggested , it is essential that we vote the means for that as well as talking about it .
30 The lady unrolled her petition and in a voice trembling with outrage , she read it aloud :
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