Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] [conj] say [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He seemed very moved by my story and said he intended to write an article about it .
2 This morning rang up my sister and said I would visit her tomorrow .
3 He looked at my work and said I had talent , but that I needed " earnest practice in drawing " , to which I wholly agree : He also said he would be glad to take me as his " chela " but that my name and work must go before the council of professors of the Academy , which meets next Thursday , 17th inst. and that if they accepted me I could start work on the following Monday , 21st inst .
4 Then I overcame my shyness and said I would like the coloured wool from the trunk upstairs .
5 He was very impertinent about my wine and said it always had pieces of cork floating in it .
6 ‘ They knock on my door and say they want to pull on a black and white shirt , but when I ask them to prove it some ca n't , ’ said Keegan .
7 But instead of prevaricating and procrastinating she came over all gooey , stroking my hand and squeezing my arm and saying she did n't want to lose me but she was frightened , frightened and confused , she did n't know what to do .
8 Nobody is absolutely able to put their hand on their heart and say we know we can get there . ’
9 Erm and then what he did was , he they went through it together and he showed her what to do and she followed him and and as she did things right he praised her and gave her feedback and said she 'd done it correctly and then then when there were things did n't understand she questioned him and then he clarified her .
10 He said he would ask Sir David Attenborough to help her , which he did by checking out her agent and saying he would look out for a film part for her . ’
11 Then she changed her mind and said she 'd have an audience after all , and then , best of all , she said not only would she have an audience , but she 'd like them to ask her questions .
12 She 'd come this far to say her piece and say it she would , come hell or high water .
13 Mm yes , well I think they sound like good targets , is , has anyone looked at their work and said I worked my socks off for that , I could not have improved it , I 've left that section blank so everybody thinks they could of improved that piece of work , good , that 's what this is all about , getting better .
14 Lord Justice Glidewell said no reliance could be put on her confession and said it is likely that the conviction would eventually be quashed .
15 She just shook her head and said he was an old enemy of her father 's , and refused to be drawn any further . ’
16 Even now the magnetism that drew her to him was so strong that if he knocked at her door and said he 'd changed his mind , in spite of everything , it might take more amor proprio than she could muster to refuse him .
17 Clarissa opened her door and said she was sorry for being so hopeless on the telephone .
18 I thanked her for her consideration and said I would .
19 Fenella was seated next to Inchbad , who patted her hand and said she was a pretty little thing , but seemed preoccupied .
20 I had a row with her several times , but this once I said , why did n't she get out there and shift some bloody irrigation mats with me , and she just slapped her belly and said she 'd got too fat to bend .
21 Jo borrowed her lipstick and said she liked her dress , it had all started from there .
22 He smiled a little , and with the ice broken they discussed dogs until he looked at his watch and said he would have to go .
23 He was always looking at his watch and saying he 'd have to go and — ’
24 He did n't like the sound of that much , so he changed his mind and said he might not have time , anyway , after his other reading in a church hall .
25 ' … which he thought he might have been wearing that afternoon and then changed his mind and said he had n't , ’ continued Harris , unperturbed by the interruption .
26 The architect explains his reasoning and says he thinks the tenant might enjoy the privacy .
27 Well he should n't have opened his gob and said it should he ?
28 He nodded and departed , and I relayed the request to the barman who shook his head and said he was down to six cubes .
29 Hubert bowed his head and said he was aware of it ; but that there was nothing else he wanted to do .
30 I asked him why but he just smiled , shook his head and said he would tell me in his own good time .
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