Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] [conj] [pers pn] come " in BNC.

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1 In the break before he actually started , I was standing at the mirror brushing my hair and he came up , took the brush out of my hand — I had very long , waist-length , peroxide blonde hair in those days — and he said , ‘ What are you doing after the show ? '
2 I spend a lot of time with a lot of girls , it 's my job , I do n't want one of them to run her fingers through my hair and it come away in in her hand you know that 's
3 Although the subject was never directly mentioned , it was subtly intimated in various ways that I was beholden to the Parsons for what was after all a free holiday , and was therefore expected to do rather more than my bit when it came to chauffeuring , chaperoning , shopping and suchlike chores .
4 ‘ Does this mean when I go upstairs to bed , I ought to reset my watch when I come down in the morning because it 's got out of step with the clocks downstairs ? ’
5 It was with this old — and , to my mind , unresolved — dispute at the back of my mind that I came to write ‘ Hylas Fights Back ’ .
6 And as I say , there was always one I remember that sticks passively in my mind when she came over in one December five weekends on the trot !
7 I had forgotten my fear until I came to cross one of these bridges on Beejay after rediscovering riding in my thirties .
8 And when I was n't with her , like when I had to go to school and she had to stay behind in my bedroom until I came home , she was all I could think about .
9 Now I go back to my home where I came from .
10 I had the opportunity to study the document because my hon. Friend drew it to my attention as we came into the Chamber .
11 He said : ‘ It was very emotional for me and I had a tear in my eye as I came across the line .
12 He said : ‘ It was very emotional for me and I had a tear in my eye as I came across the line .
13 My husband and I came across these old photos recently and , although we know the names of some of the people , we would like to find out who the other two are .
14 I told my husband when he came home .
15 I want it styled , right that 'll knock the socks off my husband when he comes in !
16 My dad was once testing me on my biology and we came up to these films and the subject of drugs and I said just , you know , just as a joke and I thought he would just laugh it off , I said have you done any ?
17 where my biscuit when I come home
18 ‘ But I decided to take my chance when it came and make it hard for Paul to get back . ’
19 I 'd wait and take my chance when it came .
20 All these thoughts were racing through my head when I came face to face with you , and when you did n't show me out I could n't entirely understand why .
21 The guard has to knock my elbow when he comes to inspect my ticket .
22 I held out my hands to my father as he came into the room , and he took me in his arms .
23 I 've been working on that part of my game and it came off tonight . ’
24 It 's my area and I came here to win this tournament . ’
25 yeah , but he was here the other Sunday and he , he , they were , he , he was reading my paper and he come back and he the following Sunday he said you have n't got last Sunday 's paper mum , I said I do n't know I might , oh I think I threw it out , anyway just happened to find it , it was something he read of some woman that were meddling on the pools and the , the , what she 'd used , you know and the
26 The usherette assured me that the manager would do something about it but he was busy just then with the projectionist , so she would pass on my complaint when he came down .
27 ‘ I 'll give 'im a feel of my belt when he comes in .
28 If , at any point , I thought that his solicitude was the sort of tender kindness you might show to someone utterly dependent and helpless — a prisoner or a caged bird — I was ashamed at once and re-doubled my efforts to be a good wife , asking Nonni to teach me how to cook the elaborate dishes Richard liked , and taking care to change my dress before he came home in the evening .
29 My life since I came to you has been miserable , uncomfortable and full of pain .
30 ‘ Eleanor , my parents , quite a few of my friends — you never really made any effort to get along with the people who 'd been an important part of my life before you came on the scene . ’
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