Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] [conj] [vb base] her " in BNC.

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1 Our house is only a flat , it 's not very long , and from the time it took my sister to leave me , go to the kitchen and tell my mum and bring her back , the baby was in my arms .
2 ‘ It was then I told her I would divorce my wife and marry her . ’
3 Give your aunt my love and tell her I shall see her soon , very soon . ’
4 I glance into my glass and hand her back the J ; her eyes close as she draws on it and I put my lips to my glass , slipping that sucked-on sliver of ice into my own mouth and rolling it around there , pretending it 's her tongue .
5 ‘ It used to get me so angry and I really wanted to protect my mother and help her , but I was only six at the time and there was nothing I could do .
6 He wanted to put flowers in her hair and make her laugh ; but he would never be able to do that .
7 Beyond this there was little of importance which she could tell and Dalgliesh had briefly heard her story and let her go .
8 ( I thought this very over-optimistic on her part but let her persist in the delusion . )
9 And her daughter would put er arms around her neck and hug her .
10 Any swain within earshot who approves of her scream , and feels similarly inclined , is at liberty to rush to her aid and stop her , which is the sign for other suitors to halt their pursuit and file back to bed again .
11 Once inside , Belinda noted with relief that it was lit mainly by the dim , warm yellow of candles in the centre of each table , which would soften the contours of her figure and save her from a self-consciousness that was probably unnecessary in any case …
12 Only two and a half hours more to go , I told myself , and fixed the old lady with a hard stare that I hoped somehow conveyed to her what pleasure , what deep and lasting pleasure , it would give me to haul her off her seat and push her out the window .
13 One thing about him that was probably on the plus side : he had the ability to drain away her tension and make her feel better .
14 If she let it , the food would jump into her mouth and swell her up to grossness .
15 He sat on her lap and let her hug him .
16 I spiked her guns by the simple expedient of ringing Nigel right away , told him the truth , and instructed him to fetch her home and keep her there .
17 ‘ At one point when my mother was ill , the district nurse refused to enter her home and treat her , for fear that she would be contaminated and consequently place her other patients in danger . ’
18 Even through her glove , she could feel his warmth and he guided her down a step or two and then , at the last moment , let her go in order to put both hands at her waist and swing her down .
19 She allowed him to lead her back to the living-room , her defences momentarily lapsed so that when he paused on the threshold to slide an arm around her waist and draw her into his embrace she was too shocked to remonstrate .
20 What was the hold he exerted over her , that could steal beneath her guard and leave her so vulnerable to his own undeniable brand of charm ?
21 Sycorax no longer leaked whatever liquids or foods she was able to consume , as she had during the worst of her fever , and Ariel could prop her up into a sitting position , and then , presenting her shoulders to her , go down on one knee to hoist her piggy-back and carry her to the privy in the forest a few minutes ' walk away .
22 He might as well get a gun like Denis Hurley 's gun — and put it to her head and shoot her .
23 I even found I could hold her head and pet her while she threw up .
24 But seeing the pleading in her eyes and aware that she was on the very brink of womanhood , he knew that he must give her her head and allow her to marry if that was what she wanted .
25 ‘ Remembering her back door was unlocked she asked if he would climb her wall and let her in , ’ a spokesman said .
26 But while these were unfortunate , and inclined to make Rachel crumple up her forehead and lecture her on the scientific method and the importance of mental clarity , there was no real danger in such remarks .
27 For more than a year Alexander , at the French King 's request , had been putting discreet pressure on Henry either to return Alice to her father or marry her to Richard .
28 Only when Marcella had relaxed sufficiently to sit back in her chair and release her tight hold on the dog did he risk intervention : ‘ We came to talk about the Garlands . ’
29 Although they continued throughout to support Mrs Thatcher , a number were known privately to have expressed the belief that a failure to secure outright victory on the first ballot might irretrievably damage her authority and force her to stand down .
30 She perched at its edge and let her pen , as was her wont , run automatically over the creamy paper .
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