Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] [adv] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Was my freedom not given to me then in order to build the world of the You ?
2 my Dad does the shopping on his way home from work on a Friday , so my Mum never goes to the supermarket ,
3 It was n't my intention originally to go to the flat , it was my intention to reconnoitre the area in order that I could supply the officers who were going to do the actual operation with up to date information as to erm the methods of getting in to the block of flats because they had a coded key door erm and to acquaint myself of the actual physical erm presence of lifts , stairways and that sort of thing .
4 Even my wife , enlightened , but energetically gregarious , upon my expressing my desire not to go to a certain gathering would say , ‘ Normal people like parties , they want to go . ’
5 All through my childhood , my body always seemed to be going numb .
6 My husband actually said to me that giving up smoking was easy because he 's done it plenty of times .
7 ‘ Sitaki mafi zako bwana ’ ( Do n't give me your shit mister — Swahili slang ) , as my ayah once said to a door-stepping American missionary .
8 But I soon reminded myself that such trivial slips are liable to befall anyone from time to time , and my irritation soon turned to Miss Kenton for attempting to create such unwarranted fuss over the incident .
9 Everyone signed , as my wife considerately whispered to me that this was Sweden , after all , where liquor was … but she did n't have to tell me .
10 I think the basic problem is erm it goes back further than that and it comes down to the organisation that my colleague here belongs to .
11 My father simply drove to the nearest police station and the attackers vanished .
12 My father thus replied to the effect that while he was most grateful that his feelings had been taken into account , Mr Silvers could be assured that service would be provided to the usual standards .
13 My father 's generation was not one accustomed to discussing and analysing in the way ours is and I believe the telling and retelling of this story was as close as my father ever came to reflecting critically on the profession he practised .
14 My father never went to the cinema because the technicolour was bad for his epilepsy .
15 My father never went to bed without supper , no matter what happened .
16 There was some story about her and Claire 's grandmother having a set-to and she had the baby too early — anyway , my father-in-law never spoke to his mother again .
17 I watch over my shoulder just walking to the local shops .
18 You had to force your way through the flow of MPs to get to the No lobby and I had to force my way through to get to the No lobby .
19 My master then turned to us .
20 Both my life and my salary now have to be really well planned .
21 Despite all my hard work , my son still wants to be a train driver and my daughter a nurse .
22 MY grandson and my brother both went to public schools .
23 Only my brother really listened to him .
24 My brother , my brother really wants to did , did you know Pete like , phoned me up yesterday
25 I felt my pulse slowly returning to normal .
26 When I was about II , my mother bashfully confided to me that " babies came out of their mummies ' tummies " !
27 My mother fortunately wrote to Eliot on 20 August 1940 , and he answered :
28 Strangely my mother always referred to the area between St. Paul 's Road and Gas Lane as ‘ the old Gaol ground ’ , no doubt copying her mother 's description for the area was developed for housing in 1870 .
29 Alternatively , socialist parties can maintain their ideology intact , keeping the class ready for a revolutionary opportunity but see their support possibly dwindle to restrictive ‘ ghetto ’ status .
30 Her case only came to light because the Health Authority meeting were mistakenly sent to the media .
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