Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] [verb] [been] [num] " in BNC.

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1 The Headmaster , Mr. E.J. Russ had himself been taught at the school in the eighteen-nineties — my father had been one of his contemporaries .
2 Mr. Sutton was a nice old gentleman — looked distinguished with his white hair and small white beard , a stickler for accuracy and forever telling me that my father had been one of his pupils .
3 You are all I 've got , all I 've got left to build my life on ; my life has been one long frustration , and to stand aside and see you throw yourself away on scum like … ’
4 ‘ Autumn is my season , twilight is my hour and all my life has been one chain of related twilights ’ , he has written .
5 Her progress had been one of near-collisions , dodging round cases and people , and just as the gate she 'd wanted had come in sight she had seen Lori and a man passing through .
6 The average attendance in the 121 years of its existence has been 60–80 pupils .
7 Mr. West had in fact calculated its weight to have been 1,771 tons .
8 The unravelling of their chemistry has been one of the great achievements of 20th century science , a large part of it due to sir Norman Haworth , whose studies in this field spanned more than 30 years .
9 When I have , on occasion , remarked upon this to other company wives , their reaction has been one of near disbelief , followed by looks of passionate envy .
10 The day that would soon be drawing to its close had been one of the most wonderful he had experienced : the theft , the murder , the link between the theft and the murder — yes , all now known .
11 Lome IV was signed in December 1989 ( see p. 37133 ) and was to come into effect in March 1990 for a 10-year period ( unlike the previous conventions , whose duration had been five years ) .
12 As she walked Maggie thought of her father whose body had been one of the last recovered .
13 After half a year of their affair , she 'd begun to wonder , wallowing in his affection , how a man whose history had been one infidelity after another had mended his ways ; which thought led to the possibility that perhaps he had n't .
14 His Excellency has been one of the best Ambassadors Spain has ever sent us , and his very dear wife has given him so much support .
15 That Merymose had died because he had discovered something important enough to threaten the killer was clear , and Huy knew that his own reluctance to take the policeman into his confidence had been one indirect reason for his death .
16 Throughout the tour , his bearing had been one of well-mannered gravity .
17 He was a vassal , as indeed his father had been forty years earlier .
18 William was only 34 when his last child was born , while his father had been 43 ; perhaps some form of contraception did account for William and Mary Ann stopping short at those four children ?
19 She had persuaded herself that her recoil from his touch had been one of distaste rather than one of recognised attraction .
20 he had gone down without a sound — and by the time he had woken up , his ship had been two days out into the Channel .
21 His grandfather had been one of the Competitors for the Throne ; but Edward the First had chosen John Balliol , as sufficiently weak to accept him as overlord .
22 Someone had to do it : his regiment had been one of the unlucky ones .
23 Among a mass of bloody feathers lay what appeared to be the remains of two– or it mi–ht have been three , freshly killed pigeons .
24 Given that our Association had been 75 years outside the wider Trade Union Movement , our Delegates were concerned at what type of reception they might receive from the Conference .
25 I was one of the pillarists in the Nelson case and only wish our column had been one of more magnificent dimensions .
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