Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] be [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Pardon me for being so rude .
2 You ought to be thanking me for being so considerate . ’
3 In terms of a planning process Anne was talking about , you 'll have to forgive me for being relatively new to Oxfordshire and coming from an area where we had a planning system which was largely the one I was describing , and the planning role that I saw I wanted to develop was very much already mentioned which was actually going round to small groups of people , to the local caring groups on a much more informal basis , and getting their contribution about that and then feeding it back into the system , which you say is there in a sense .
4 And his self-despite was so strong that he knew reviving an old flame or chasing some young actress would only aggravate it .
5 I think , I to be quite honest , correct me if I 'm wrong , with regard to the publicity group , that the publicity group really was to get something out that was going to act as an icebreaker to the members .
6 By the very act of reading on into the tale from the Miller 's Prologue we as readers allow ourselves to be manipulated into supposing ourselves somehow different from the readership of " " every gentil wight " " that is offered a warning and an invitation to : We know ourselves to be more complex beings .
7 In the sentence below , the underlying attitude of the speaker is betrayed somewhat by the adverb actually ( suggesting " you may not believe this " ) , and one understands as in ( 69 ) that he would not have thought it possible for someone to be so audacious as the public relations officer was : ( 70 ) But Drew was as determined as any Soviet Commissar to fulfil his self-imposed quota , and the fuse to his temper began smouldering whenever anyone suggested the 15% target might be overly ambitious .
8 Criticizing the Greens for becoming a " bourgeois party " , Ditfurth accused them of being too keen to ally with the SPD ( in Hesse and Lower Saxony ) , and of abandoning , at a tumultuous April 26-28 congress in Neumünster ( Schleswig-Holstein ) , the rotation of party posts .
9 On the one occasion on which I did so ( according to my diary ) the other girls laughed , and the teacher became annoyed , accusing me of being deliberately provocative .
10 Carew cursed himself for being so rash .
11 He was irritated with himself for being so pathetic .
12 He stepped away from the phone , angry with Scott for disturbing him but also angry with himself for being so jumpy .
13 There was a white line around his mouth and he was watching her with undisguised lust , as if he wanted her and hated himself for being so human .
14 Not least BARRY MOONCULT who went so ape-dropping crazy , he was spotted stumbling out of the party while it was in full swing armed with a stash of joke bombs , which despite being pretty harmless ( containing about as much genuine explosive as your average cap pistol ) make a loud enough bang to put the fear of God into the most ardent of atheists .
15 Most of us went to church on Christmas Eve and on Christmas Day , and I felt I had so much for which to be profoundly thankful .
16 For this reason they are bound to remain as very secondary aids to choral music , which to be genuinely original and vital needs musicianship much more than exploitation of mere sound effects .
17 In his own bed in Mill Hill Rufus used a sheath or practised coitus interruptus , which he prided himself on being rather good at .
18 While Sir Lewis declared himself to be reasonably happy with the way the group 's three hotels were being used , he admitted that the 100-acre-plus ski resort was suffering from a glaring lack of investment , and poor road communications .
19 He proved himself to be thoroughly professional as a railwayman and ruthless as a manager .
20 He was drunk with a new importance , knowing himself to be irreplaceably useful .
21 The dream can seem so real that he believes himself to be wide awake .
22 Yet the only writer who knew himself to be mortally ill and yet managed to achieve great things was Franz Kafka : ‘ It is not easy to build an oeuvre knowing that one has a revolver pointed at one 's neck . ’
23 As a child Louis-Napoleon showed himself to be both alert and sensitive , two attributes which made his life difficult , because he was the victim of the unhappy marriage of his parents .
24 And Bill Holroyd was already showing himself to be pretty gullible , so it 's in character .
25 He beamed at her , revealing himself to be more drunk than Lydia had first supposed .
26 He felt himself to be so uneducated that it seemed hopeless even to try to catch up with the ordinary things that people knew .
27 He could not imagine now , in this brilliant daylight , how he had allowed himself to be so weak .
28 There was an added difficulty that the three of then , would break into convulsions of laughter , verging on hysterics , with Hopper somewhere off camera rolling around in the bushes and , according to Nicholson , ‘ totally freaked out ’ while Jack was forcing himself to be relatively straight , do his serious acting and hold the whole thing together : ‘ This used to be a helluva good country … ’
29 More specifically , Lukacs shows himself to be extremely hostile to a number of key concepts on the socialist realist agenda precisely because they are symptomatic of an excessively subjectivist and false , because partial , view of reality .
30 Briefly with the SAS in the Second World War , he distinguished himself by being wholly ignorant of whether a wheel nut was to be undone clockwise or not .
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