Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] [noun prp] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She had known Rose since before Rose was born , and had long since resolved to think nothing about Rose except what suited her .
2 She supposed the story would be more realistic with someone like Sarah in it , who was n't glamorous or the love of Jean 's life .
3 I feel very lucky to have had someone like Maureen on my doorstep .
4 We pledge ourselves to God for His work at St Leonard 's
5 The star of that upsetting movie , Terence Stamp , reminded me of Dana at his most perverse and enigmatic , half-god , half-demon , lover and destroyer .
6 He reminded me of Benjamin with his dry wit , sardonic observations and palpable honesty .
7 For them to develop properly they need guidance and a good example , and you ca n't do much better than have somebody like Fergie in your setup — somebody who has done and seen it all . ’
8 Émile was going to revenge himself on Jean-Claude for what he regarded as his arrogance .
9 Those who like Jenny in our case-study find themselves avoiding conflict at all costs , never facing up to issues , never expressing hurt or anger for fear of what it might release in others , need to do some work on this point .
10 Walking up with us to our wards , Aline said , ‘ I guess they 'll keep you in Marcus until your nights off , and then shove one of the day staff nurses on nights . ’
11 The shipowner had no relatives remaining in Iran , and none in France of whom they were aware .
12 A service bus , number 58 , will get you to Gosling for our last away match of the season .
13 To that end , I have selected a Gestapo man I wish to accompany you to Lisbon as your bodyguard . ’
14 And what about I bought some revision books and things study aids or something for Amanda for her English literature
15 And what about I bought some revision books and things study aids or something for Amanda for her English literature
16 And was n't there something about Fox with his saturnine face and dark , watchful eyes ?
17 After all , it was Lady Beatrice who urged Santerre to confess everything about Buckingham to my two agents . ’
18 There was something of Ewan in her , of course ; there 'd have to be .
19 Maybe we are like a photocopy of God that got a bit crumpled and smudged as it came out of the machine so that his image in us has got a bit spoilt , but that does not alter the fact that every person has something of God about them .
20 Let us remember that there is something of God in everyone — even people we find it difficult to like .
21 You will see no one like Harvey among us . ’
22 have n't got the plan in What has just been pointed out to me is that the er smaller site , that is the one with Oakwood on it , which I 'm sure is familiar to er anybody present , that 's just opposite Skelton Manor and Court , and the larger site was the land to the east of Oakwood incorporating this much larger pond w with what appears to be an island in it , er running right up to the boundary of the conservation area , I think .
23 ‘ Of course — the one with Doreen in it — ’
24 And I hope I hope they sort out something in Grantham for us women for you .
25 and I 'll bring one on Friday with me .
26 First he asked Germaine to play something by Ravel for him , presumably to glean an impression of her personality .
27 When Gooch fell to a close-in catch off Mushtaq , and that artist of mystery compelled a nervous and fatal parry at a wider one by Stewart in his next over , England tottered at 65 for 4 .
28 Everyone in Durham to whom Bevir talked wanted Ramsey to come back .
29 Mr Keegan said : ‘ We want to personally thank the people who have contributed to this memorial and to thank everyone in Kirkby for their support and kind wishes over the months . ’
30 We have feelers , metal strips , that are one and a half thou thick , we call it , you ca n't have them any thinner because they can make them in Sheffield at one thou thick but they suffer and bend by use .
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