Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] [pers pn] had been " in BNC.

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1 Might not some echo of it reach her mind , so that she would know someone of hers had been near ; that she had not been deserted ?
2 Which of them had been reading The Book of Poisons ?
3 I spoke to Sikh and Hindu children in Southall and none of them had been withdrawn from religious education lessons .
4 By lunchtime Wexford and Burden had interviewed all those members of the darts club that had been present at Jack Pertwee 's stag party with the exception of Maurice Cullam , but none of them had been able to do more than confirm that Hatton had been aggressive , vain and malicious and that he had been carrying a great deal of money .
5 She had had a few in her short life and none of them had been pleasant .
6 None of them had been the kind of people who could have imagined devotion to a pet animal or according to it funerary rites .
7 It was n't intended ; none of them had been paying any attention to the world round about : they 'd all but walked into one another .
8 But none of them had been interested enough to come up with an offer .
9 None of them had been trained in covert operations other than when dealing with criminals .
10 Martinho had had to do some quick talking but none of them had been executed on the spot .
11 None of them had been treated before admission to hospital , and none had any other medical disorders .
12 None of it had been intended .
13 If he had , she could have persuaded herself that none of it had been her fault — that he 'd physically forced her into making love .
14 Spending his five shillings had given him great satisfaction , particularly as none of it had been wasted .
15 Since she was sixteen she had experienced life , and none of it had been good , except that she had given birth to a daughter and also that she had found out what love was , but had experienced the painful futility of it .
16 None of us had been outside the camp for many months and every field seemed infinite and exciting .
17 Sergeant Allen Jenkins was disappointed that none of us had been pancaked under rubble , but quickly learned to live with it .
18 Keeping everything from her had been incredibly tough , particularly since Candy was highly adept at winkling out secrets , but Adam had been completely inflexible on the subject .
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