Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] [be] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The essence of being human consists in the values we place on ourselves in being human beings .
2 In it we know ourselves to be rational agents detached from spontaneity , judging on objective grounds what will serve our ends .
3 Not many of us consider ourselves to be good listeners .
4 It is not that in desperate circumstances we discover ourselves to be natural egoists and throw off moral restraints , it is rather that morality no longer applies .
5 What there are plenty of are judgmental adjectives : Pamella , the naughty thing , is ‘ degraded ’ , ‘ sick ’ , ‘ sleazy ’ , ‘ corrupt ’ , ‘ scheming ’ , ‘ pushy ’ , ‘ thick-skinned ’ , ‘ shrewd ’ , ‘ disturbed ’ , ‘ seriously disturbed ’ , ‘ squalid ’ .
6 ( This precludes them from being irreligious communists . )
7 There must be an intention on both sides for there to be legal consequences in the event of a breach , in order to constitute a binding contract .
8 Why does the separation of the mental from the physical make it impossible to show that we understand what it is for there to be other minds than our own , given the separation of the mental from the physical ?
9 He calculates that there are enough long-range connections for there to be two-way connections between any patch of 1 mm 2 and every other 1 mm 2 patch over the whole neocortex , which is quite impressive when you realise that the human neocortex has an area of more than 100,000 sq .
10 The last and incomplete letter from Miller in the Darlington collection , dated 10 November 1769 , carried a wish for plants from Bartram 's garden , because he believed there to be new genera amongst them , but specimens had been ‘ so much compressed as to render the distinguishing characters very doubtful ’ .
11 If , like many executives , you have no representative to act on your behalf in redundancy negotiations , it is all the more important for there to be detailed discussions between you and your employer about any plans to make you redundant .
12 On neurophysiological grounds one would expect there to be considerable differences between different individuals with regard to the most effective channels of learning ; therefore , one must regard statements such as that quoted with a certain amount of scepticism .
13 Like Crowther , Newsom accepted the tripartite system , believing there to be different levels of natural ability in children which could best be catered for by different kinds of school .
14 The best known example of this is Liversidge v. Anderson in which the majority of the House of Lords found that the phrase ‘ reasonable cause to believe ’ in wartime emergency legislation would be complied with provided that the Secretary of State acted on what he thought to be such a reasonable cause , and that it was not necessary for there to be objective facts to support this .
15 But since the districts were not subservient to the counties , the concept of ‘ delegation ’ was inappropriate , and thus it became essential for there to be clear guidelines to distinguish county issues from district issues .
16 As a feminist I wanted these women to stop having what seemed to me to be silly attitudes
17 The negotiations , in which Rhodesia was represented by Mr Ian Smith , with Mr Lardner-Burke and Mr Howman — both understood by me to be very hard-liners — led to a provisional agreement on proposals for a settlement .
18 Yeah , everyone was going on at how rough they are , I mean you ca n't as I 've said before you ca n't exactly expect them to be super models .
19 I mean , elementary education for girls the board schools was very much a case of training them to be good wives and mothers and so on .
20 In each of the areas of major concern for the NVALA , there appeared to them to be influential individuals whose determination to ‘ push back the frontiers of permissiveness ’ was seen as the greatest threat to traditional Christian morality .
21 The satellite intersections with these three events would have been termed ‘ mantle ’ , ‘ cusp ’ and ‘ cleft ’ in a spatial interpretation , but the radar shows them to be similar events seen at different phases of their evolution .
22 The results of further tests released this summer have proved them to be skilful fakes .
23 It 's the job of the reporter to interpret facts and schools can not expect them to be mere mouthpieces .
24 Three of these were cleared on 16 March but , believing them to be floating mines , the Allies did not completely sweep the area .
25 Their Saturday evening concert at the Arts Centre showed them to be individual artists of the highest quality who together produced something greater than just the sum of the parts .
26 Dr Peter Stefanini , managing director of Coalite Chemicals , said that on reviewing its business activities , Anglo took ‘ a new view on the chemical division and the liquid fuel division ’ and now considers them to be non-core businesses .
27 And we were called into this long room at the erm it was at House at and er there was all these well I considered them to be old men , they could n't have been so old you see but I was only a boy .
28 Meanwhile , Novell chairman Ray Noorda is said to be circulating a letter among industry executives asking them to be expert witnesses in the FTC case against Microsoft .
29 Encourage them to be active viewers .
30 I know them to be human creatures made in God 's image too , the womenfolk most lovely and most temperate ( for the most part ) , and I would not abet the evil Spaniard in his slanders .
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