Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] [pron] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Labour needs someone with whom it feels thoroughly unsafe , someone who can overcome its sentimentality about itself .
2 He was n't even sure which of them it showed .
3 She had a little white sedan with plenty of what it takes under the hood .
4 When you read a book like this God wants to speak to you through what it says .
5 The door is closed to new members , and the membership protects itself against what it calls Proliferation with wire , guns , attack dogs , certainly , but above all with a suffocating cloak of secrecy .
6 As a clue to that significance we might first recall the way in which the laws regarding menstruation and childbirth and this new circumcision appeared at the same time in the history of the Jewish people , and remember what was earlier said about the nature — culture dichotomy and the need of culture to control or impose itself upon what it deems to be nature .
7 This means that the process of totalization must be kept moving by the critical investigation itself on which it comes to depend but which by the same token it can never subsume .
8 A thin dog sidled up to them , stopping just out of range of a kick , and looked at them with what it hoped was an appealing expression .
9 Sumitomo Bank has stuck with NCR equipment for every generation of its banking systems since the implementation of the First Online system in the 1970s , and the defeat means that NCR now loses its last big customer account and one for which it maintained considerable investment in mainframes — even developing the 9800XL series , last of its mainframes — especially for Sumitomo .
10 It was a most successful party , and the only person who failed to enjoy it was the one for whom it had been given .
11 A bit is an abbreviation , of binary digits something about what it means , erm and eight of them together , makes a byte .
12 It had the feel of it this little garden you know , the doors , the paintwork everything about it it gave you that feel .
13 A point which sprang to mind here to complicate the issue surrounds cheese which is made in several places , including the one after which it takes its name .
14 I sought a way of fudging it , of drawing a two-dimensional picture that conveyed something of what it feels like to move from point to point in the nine-dimensional genetic space of Biomorph Land .
15 Before I left , I told Eliot that I was still toying with the idea of writing the book on politics , which had increasingly been absorbing me , and I described to him something of what it had been like to live under a benevolent dictatorship .
16 On the one hand it makes no demands , he wrote , on the other it is the vitriol which corrodes everything with which it comes into contact , the Gorgon which turns to stone all who gaze upon it .
17 For our purposes , however , no harm will be done if we distinguish two uses of ‘ I believe that … ’ . one in which it expresses the tentative belief that what is specified by the following wording is so , the other in which it expresses the belief or awareness that the speaker has the belief .
18 To pass from the world of Augustine and his pagan contemporaries into the world of Gregory the Great ( pope 590–604 ) is to move by imperceptible stages from a world in which the basic question was ‘ What is a Christian ? ’ to one in which it has become ‘ How should a Christian live , behave , be a good Christian ? ’
19 The typical case is one in which a factual statement points out that a situation is one of the kind in which an ethical statement asserts that a certain obligation holds , that is , one in which it has expressed the wish that people should act in a certain way or meet the disfavour of others .
20 Four pieces , four airs in four different keys ; each air , moreover , is strewn with notes that go out of the key , and the so-called key of the work , the one in which it begins and ends , is the one that prevails least ; the work goes directly from an air in E♭ major to another in E [ minor ] , which is unheard of …
21 She was also dimly aware that they had passed the point of no return — now she had allowed him inside her it seemed wrong to yell at him to stop or begin fighting him .
22 ‘ No one knows more than me how much I owe to this country , how much I vow to give back to it for what it has done to me , ’ he said .
23 It follows that there is a close , but quite unexplored , relation between discourse deixis and mention or quotation ; thus in the following example ( from Lyons , 1977a : 667 ) : ( 91 ) A : That 's a rhinoceros B : Spell it for me it refers not to the referent , the beast itself , but to the word rhinoceros .
24 For by remaining inside a given topic ( in this case poetry ) without setting it against what it differentiates itself from , the object of one 's attention is likely to evaporate .
25 The statement does have a phrase in it in which it says that Jesus declared the forgiveness of sins but there is an immense difference between declaring forgiveness and making forgiveness .
26 It was funny — when my dad had said it to me it seemed like the rather tired , friendly sort of thing that parents often say to you .
27 well it , now the postman takes it to where it 's got to be sorted and they will post it to whoever it has to go to .
28 Because of that , the CITB has had to introduce various schemes using its own investment to tide it over what it believed at the outset would be a short recession , but which has now become a very deep and long recession .
29 And if you are wise you will never pity the past for what it did not know , but pity yourself for what it did .
30 For their part the Brazilians want to play British oppositon to remind themselves of what it feels like to be searching for the ball in the air for much of the game .
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