Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] [adj] [pers pn] have " in BNC.

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1 Never a word of thanks from any of them for all we 've done .
2 But how could she admit to them after all she 'd said ?
3 I have heard reports that it can be glimpsed in binoculars , but even with my × 20 I have been unable to find it — though it is clear enough in a 15-cm reflecting telescope , and I can just make it out with my 7.6-cm refractor .
4 The serveuses reminded me of those I had seen in paintings by Monet .
5 The men 's fear of change took the form of vociferously defending the status quo in which after all they had everything to lose .
6 So , together with his engraving , etching and aquatinting materials and his pigments for colours which he always mixed carefully himself , it was in the summer of 1800 that he decided to go north ( to the Lakes ) to begin once again and to try to rid himself of all he had learnt over the last decade and ‘ to adhere as faithfully as possible to nature .
7 THE PENCIL OF NATURE was Talbot 's attempt to acquaint the general public with the characteristics and scope of his process , which in 1841 he had decisively improved [ and called the Calotype ) .
8 Yeah I have but I do n't how to do them like this I 've not seen it been d drawn out like that .
9 There was no dole or nothing like this they had .
10 ‘ I came to say goodbye and to thank you for all you 've done . ’
11 ‘ I 'm not ready , Mr Tucker , but thank you for all you 've done .
12 ‘ I have a message from the farmer , who wishes to thank you for all you 've done , ’ she said .
13 ‘ How will I ever repay you for all you 've done for me ? ’
14 Father , we thank you for those you have placed in posts of responsibility in the governments of the world and of our nation .
15 Mayoress : ( warmly ) It 's good to see you after all I 've heard .
16 Because it reminds you of all you 've lost ?
17 He thought that none of those he had spoken to could have told him anything of the killing .
18 I said to him : ‘ Look here , we 're enemies now and I 'll fight you with all I 've got .
19 it seems like now to tell you at last I 've come to terms with it now , I 've really
20 It was a small boost , but we certainly needed one after all we 've been through . ’
21 The remedies of the homoeopathic materia medica have not , as has happened to their orthodox counterparts , had to be abandoned , as one after another they have lost their efficacy or have been shown to be too toxic to be used safely .
22 ‘ With something like this you have to feel it 's the right moment for you to talk about it .
23 I mean if you 're honest a lot of these were really first or second draft erm manuscripts I think and er er you really got to get , if you 're going to submit something like this it has to be er it has to be absolutely watertight and you have to say exactly what it is that you want to say , erm some of the criticism I 've , I 'm not gon na mention people 's names , but I 'm just remind myself er , a whole lot of you for some reason erm , con construct things in sort of note form I suppose this being undergraduates that helps this and , and , but you construct things with single sentence paragraphs so that actually you get a whole list of sentences without any linking between them and that is terribly disjointed reading and with an account like that , when you 've finished reading it , you sort of have to shake your head and think well what did the person actually say , and when it 's actually looking for er a little bit of prose , the in addition some of your con your sentences are in , extraordinarily complex , you start off in a sentence and you actually lose your way in the middle of it , I mean the simple sentence 's much the better thing , I mean I seem to remember being told by subject , object verb , in a sentence , they must have those , those , those things , well very often you 'll have a sentence which starts with er a particular noun and as , as a subject and then finishes up with the same no noun or , or , or subject or , or maybe it 's become the object of the sentence at the very end or maybe the sentence has totally lost it 's way .
24 In one way this statement is more conservative than the previous one in that it has elevated the popular usage ‘ Republican Sunday ’ to a part of party language and thus confirmed the belief that Catholicism and republicanism are the same thing , but it represents an important departure from previous positions in clearly tying the DUP 's position to that of the electorate .
25 Then he said , ‘ I 've managed to get a sprinkling of young men , and there 's one in particular I 'd like you to meet . ’
26 I just chucked everything in that I had , did it , in the box and we were out before seven .
27 Oh my god one to ten it 's got one in there already , so what have I got in there ?
28 ‘ Why should I be kind to anybody after all I 've suffered ! ’ cried Miss Havisham angrily .
29 The Oxford public orator of 1960 commended him for all he had done in persuading Oxford undergraduates to a reasonable faith and called him a most penetrating interpreter of the New Testament and a very powerful bulwark of Mother Church .
30 I thanked him for all he had bought .
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