Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] [noun] [conj] in " in BNC.

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1 Well that , it speak the truth they were given to me by June , who 's very into that sort of thing and prescribed them for Simon and in fact has had to give him a few more now because he 's had his driving test cancelled .
2 ‘ As they approached I hoped they would ask me to join them for dinner as in the old days , ’ he recalls .
3 The Forest Race Course and Queens they 've all got plenty of space while in the centre of Mansfield you 've got room to pork park even at the Walkden Street car park .
4 In the period immediately before a race it is worth eating something sweet to provide glucose and drink plenty of fluids since in a long race you can become dehydrated and can lose up to 5lb .
5 Swegen also had dealings with the Swedes , and involved himself with Normandy and in the Irish Sea , perhaps selling his ill-gotten gains and fraternising not only with Duke Richard II in Rouen , but also the rulers of Norse settlements in Ireland such as Dublin , Wexford , Waterford , Cork and Limerick .
6 In this case I would think that , if the minister does not act in good faith , or if he acts on extraneous considerations which ought not to influence him , or if he plainly misdirects himself in fact or in law , it may well be that a court would interfere ; but when he honestly takes a view of the facts or the law which could reasonably be entertained , then his decision is not to be set aside simply because thereafter someone thinks that his view was wrong …
7 Well if somebody at work or in a office , bound to have a watch .
8 Relevant income for any year of assessment , in relation to an individual is any income which arises in that year to a person resident or domiciled outside the United Kingdom and which by virtue or in consequence of the transfer or associated operations referred to in the main charging provision — s740 — can directly or indirectly be used for providing a benefit for the individual or for enabling a benefit to be provided for him .
9 A new bank account that keeps you in touch and in the know .
10 Its history is a long one in Scotland and in 1786 it was already a polled breed ( though some were scurred ) but in other respects it resembled the Highland , especially in shape and colour .
11 In the context of companies , there is nothing in law or in accounting standards that requires or forbids one or other of these methods be used .
12 Keeping them in sight and in line became quite difficult as we moved further away .
13 They were all in a position to publicise their beliefs , to embody them in legislation or in local authority practice .
14 Those of us who enjoy them need only a name for each condition , so that we may discuss them in expectation and in recollection .
15 In using them in classrooms and in discussing them with colleagues , teachers will change them , replace them , and develop their own , more immediate to their own teaching circumstances .
16 However , it is unnecessary to examine them in detail since in our view the questions posed in the certificate must be answered in the negative and on that ground alone this appeal must be allowed .
17 As things accumulated , I showed them in museums and in galleries abroad which were less demanding about selling , but seldom in England .
18 By the late 1880s , however , Japan had growing interests in mainland Asia , and there was a danger that Japan 's attempts to assert herself in Korea and in Manchuria would bring her into direct confrontation with the expanding Russian empire .
19 Then added more calmly : ‘ There 's been nothing on television or in the papers about any cut on the victims ’ foreheads .
20 We need a more active approach to the promotion of new knowledge provided by research … to carry out large numbers of research projects and then put them on shelves and in pigeon holes is appallingly wasteful , as is also the vast amount of information available in hundreds of central and local government reports published each year and then forgotten , and never collated or analysed within an overall framework of reference .
21 For a time , soldiers in Ulster were denied the protection of armoured personnel carriers because pictures of them on television and in the press would remind people of the Russian tanks which overran Czechoslovakia .
22 I have seen them on Grassholm and in Shetland .
23 Into the Home territory beyond they had to go fairly warily , but less so than if they had been a weaker company , not because of fears that the Homes would betray them to Dunbar but in that they were always jealous of their declared rights to decide who should enter their country and what they should pay for the privilege ; but two hundred and fifty well-armed men in tight formation carried their own safe-conduct , and they rode through without challenge .
24 Illness led them to France but in 1883 the family returned to Ireland .
25 Now this man had approached and addressed him in English and in an upper-class accent too .
26 His idealistic and high-spirited mood came back to him in memory when in 1815 , almost his darkest time , the Biographia was written :
27 If Marcos was cynical , he was no more so than the American foreign policy which kept him in power and in clover for 20 years .
28 I remembered her in colour and in a clothe as a vital , pretty woman .
29 Wilt thou love her , comfort her , honour , and keep her in sickness and in health ; and , forsaking all other , keep thee only unto her , so long as ye both shall live ?
30 His early interest in international co-operation drew him to Geneva and in 1931 he joined the International Labour Office .
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