Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 You know , I think we should tie em all up with the same
2 Taking a sip , she caught a glimpse of someone familiar out of the corner of her eye .
3 From within the arena of armchairs and sofa he had been mirroring her progress about the room , two steps forward to the drinks trolley where she placed her glass , four steps to her eight over to the window , three back on her way to the door again .
4 This description does not tell us which 12 out of the specified 13 are being sold .
5 If you are king of a country in which six out of every ten people are Palestinians , and where Islamic fundamentalism is growing , you do not last long by siding with America against the man who is firing missiles into Tel Aviv .
6 All I do I got out sort of the sort of about eight thirty and then I , I 'd work to about half three and all I 'd wan na do is , we , we 'd fucking , we 'd set up the cable then we 'd all sit down and do nothing while the old erm , the M O D people had obviously it , and then they tell us to take it down and move it and we move it and set it up again , its like out of a , out of a seven hour day , we 'd only work about three or four , like here .
7 so its all down to the league now …
8 She looked like a Cossack in jackboot-black sea boots , the skirt of her long dress looped up and tucked into the strap of a gold lamé handbag , the top half of her padded out by a fur-hooded anorak .
9 Indeed , for the local authorities ( many of whom were angry that the Government were treating nationalisation merely as a book-keeping transaction within the public sector and thus paying them little compensation for the takeover ) , the maintenance of uneconomically low prices was one way of getting their own back for the local ratepayers ( who were also usually electricity consumers ) .
10 Unable to get their own back on the media hacks , Charles and Diana seemed happy to let the comic pair , clutching drinks and slurring their words , do it for them .
11 They were either born rich , or they 're getting their own back on the kids who beat them up at school . ’
12 MIDDLESBROUGH players are out to get their own back against the team that killed their dream of a first-ever major Wembley final .
13 India certainly got its own back for the British Raj by imposing this horrific version of the bungalow upon us .
14 A sizable saithe dangling from its beak indicates another meal for its young up on the hill loch beyond the village .
15 The judge accepted that he at least attempted to put to her that it was an extremely onerous document and made her liable down to the last penny if Eratex Ltd. failed .
16 Where pipes turn corners with elbows or bends , do n't put them hard up against a wall .
17 See now , there 's a lot of people who will speak to you friendly out on the street and there 's a lot more of them who 'll speak to you inside their own homes .
18 So a violent kind of self-accelerating process would take place , with the magma rapidly blowing itself up into a froth of gas and liquid rock and blasting itself clear out of the vent .
19 By this time people were organising treks out of Burma and the chaplain 's wife begged me to take you three out by a plane leaving Shwebo next day , but you were all too sick , and so we stayed on and I hastily sewed boiler suits against mosquitoes if and when we could trek out .
20 ‘ Now about tonight , are you still on for the pictures ? ’
21 It was me put you all on to the Om prayer .
22 " I 'm going to sound like your teacher now and shoo you all back into the classroom .
23 See you all down at the mortuary . ’
24 We 'd like to ask you all down to the Harvest , to make up .
25 They were taking their time , as she coochy-cooed down at the gurgling little cutenesses .
26 ‘ We 'll take you two back to the centre to rest and recover , ’ said Rachel , then , looking up at the superintendent who was hovering anxiously , she asked , ‘ Has the incident been recorded in the accident book ? ’
27 She had already thrown yesterday 's damp tea-leaves on to the parlour carpet , and when she had finished in the surgery would take a small , hard hand-brush and , down on her knees yet again , would painstakingly sweep them all up into a dustpan , to remove the previous day 's dirt and dust , Miss Mates said , and purify the air .
28 We had the American band , we had the horse guards from London we brought them all up on the train , the horses and the guards and we had wonderful times !
29 ‘ If we can pick them all up at the same time we wo n't lose any of them . ’
30 The teacher will use a wide range of approaches and materials to bring them all up to an acceptable level of performance .
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