Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] [noun pl] i [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Aye , he gave me , he gave me some tablets I do n't know whether
2 You 'd better ask me some questions I think .
3 Well , yeah er we we had a fair amount of chemical er troubles erm mainly spillages , bad packaging , erm a few accidents erm , and very little information in those early days erm there was a lot of nasty chemicals going around which erm very little information followed it and people were being quite seriously injured , firemen included , policemen and others were getting involved with these things , and I got myself involved quite a lot with the various bodies that deal with chemicals , like the Chemical Industry Association , and people of that kind , trying to make things a bit safer , and taking up cases where spillages had occurred and , and accidents had happened er to try to get to the bottom of it and try to improve the situation and er I was n't alone , most Chief Officers were working that way and certainly the London Fire Brigade did it , did no end of work with producing , what is now commonly known as the coding and , and a system of , of erm er marking containers of chemicals so that people can understand how to deal with them , so that that was quite an interesting area which , even now I 'm now retired I still have a little hand in that with er chemicals er in my few moments I have spare I , I get involved with that side , which I enjoy .
4 Having listened to the arguments of my Hon. Friends I do not know why the Minister has not leapt to his feet to say that he accepts the new clause .
5 My actual words I believe were something in the line of telling Helen to mind her own business and to keep her nose out of my affairs , but Beth and Ida could never understand why I reacted so violently .
6 In my nineteen years I 've had three women , a nervous breakdown and some poor education .
7 Whether it was simply mere enjoyment or relief that I 'd survived my worst imaginings I do n't know — but it felt good .
8 That 's right , it 's different for different people over there , I mean Mark over there who has n't been with the company very long erm , I mean , my existing calls I mean I , I know them sort of to , to drink with more or less you know , but
9 His dominant inclination ( he wrote ) had always been towards philosophy , " and even in my philological studies I have been most attracted by those topics which seemed important for the history of philosophy or for ethical and aesthetic problems " .
10 Left to my own devices I think I might have shrugged my shoulders and accepted it .
11 What was peculiar about my own circumstances I have already tried to describe in the hope of finding and revealing some useful clues .
12 In my childish days I remember I used to fear to touch the little girls ' sleeves ; so it is now .
13 While they all climb back into their ancient cars I take Rufus aside for a talk .
14 I do n't know how many years it went on and then there were a lot of ploughs and boys a lot of their own ploughs I think .
15 Occasionally you can say you think they 're being stupid or have they thought about other things but at the end of the day people are answerable erm for their own decisions I feel and , if I have an opportunity I 'll tell them what I think , but er if people are n't wanting your opinion then you ca n't really give it
16 ‘ Now schools have their own budgets I hope we shall see growing diversity , ’ he said .
17 For when I speak of the community being faithful to its own principles I do not mean its conventional or popular morality , the beliefs and convictions of most citizens .
18 Yes , but I think the interesting thing in this case is you had a woman who you might went against her own interests I think .
19 Now just to give you some figures I mean same tariff that 's the world price supplied the rest of the world , in fact the tariff on it show them that the operation of a a tariff can affect erm world prices and just to give you some idea erm ah , can we just you know when we were talking about the net economic costs well they 're within the European Community , those costs .
20 Already we can give you these numbers I mean we 've got
21 They will say : ‘ From this time forward under God ( the reference to God is optional ) I pledge my loyalty to Australia and its people , whose democratic beliefs I share , whose rights and liberties I respect , and whose laws I will uphold and obey . ’
22 Hmm , well , okay , last night Mickey , you and I just about wrote off Lester Piggott 's career , and er today , well inside the last furlong of er one of his three races I believe today , this is how Rapid Raceline 's course commentator John Penny , saw the closing stages .
23 His sacred Altars I behold with Awe :
24 And er , concludes from the observation of his own children I suspect that the vague and very real fears of children , which are quite independent of experience , are inherited effects of real dangers , and abject superstitions during ancient times .
25 We got the Gilbey bar but I no the answer to that question would be if any company or org organisation was prepared or wished to talk about funding the theatre in any way and I think were 'd be more than welcome to sit down with and talk them and say well how would you perceive that which way would you like to go about it how can we assist that and I think we 're be open to suggestions from them how they see it I mean you know it could be seats it could be programmes it could be any any arrange of things that we 'd certainly welcome who approach us from companies but we I think we are pro-active in sense that we do n't wait for that to happen we actually go out but was said early I think given the recession it has been difficult lately to actually go out to companies and say I mean sure companies like the Harlow Council find it extremely finance the finances extremely difficult on them and with the recession it 's really difficult for them to actually find funding and I know lot 's of companies who actually cutting back on it certain areas I think funding of oth outside organisations will be one of the areas they 'll be cutting back on .
26 But , but I had more to do with her than Evelyn but er from what little bits I 've gleaned , you know , er I 'm a bit into everything like , and I seem to think , I 've got a f strange feeling that she 's something to do with education and they 're worried about children not speaking properly eventu
27 What terrible things I have done !
28 The requirement that there be no relevant false beliefs suggests plausibly that whether I know depends on what other beliefs I have .
29 I know what other songs I learn
30 Yes definitely I mean I do n't think we ever dreamt in our wildest dreams I think really it was maybe chance thing f fate or whatever you know .
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