Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] [noun sg] [vb base] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Does my hon. Friend accept that much as many of us welcome the sports and arts foundation , we would infinitely prefer to have a national lottery , which would produce far more money for sport and the arts ?
2 Will my hon. Friend do all that he can to persuade local authorities to play their full part in ensuring the continuation of adult education ?
3 If so , will my hon. Friend say so ?
4 Please please please my darling girl come home you are breaking your mother 's heart .
5 All the reports I had done to do with my mental state have all said that I 'm not crazy , and yet I was diagnosed as a psychopath and bunged in Broadmoor .
6 Clearly , if I speak from my critical parent state too often , patronising you and moralising at you , directing you as a child , and you retaliate in a parent state and attempt to direct me back as a child , we 've got a ‘ crossed transaction ’ .
7 Not only did my own shape improve dramatically but so did that of my ladies .
8 When I think of love or beauty or gardens , the images that moved me in my everyday life appear again and I feel the same sensations as when I first found them .
9 My ole man come 'ome pissed last night an' said 'e wanted ter listen ter a bit o' music . ’
10 One of his hands closing over the slender curve of her hip made her lower body stir involuntarily , the increasing urgency of the gyrating movement explicit , both statement and summons , and Maria heard the harsh breath he drew as he absorbed it .
11 Hermitage with its tiny church dozes beneath High Stoy from where Grace Melbury watched her erring husband ride away on one of his visits to Mrs Charmond , and , a few miles to the west , Melbury Bubb is tucked beneath Bubb Down Hill , seemingly oblivious to the outside world .
12 She was n't going to let her old classmate get away with showing off .
13 Availability of resources and their actual use seem frequently to bear little relationship to each other .
14 To follow Cole that far would come perilously near to accepting that Co-operation was , as nearly as makes no difference , the Consumers ' Movement ; and that its future lay in further growth beyond that already achieved by 1939 until , so long as progress continued , it could within its chosen field have virtually displaced all competing provision and all competing manufacture for the purpose of provision .
15 ‘ Deus venerunt gentes ’ is long a good ten minutes if you sing all four sections ; the ranges of its five-part scoring lie less comfortably for modern choirs , and its vocal lines are technically demanding ; the harrowing text makes it an unlikely choice for church use ; the piece has never been published except as part of a library edition ; it takes stamina and capable direction to make a convincing interpretation out of it ; and since it hardly ever gets a hearing , only the adventurous know of its existence .
16 In comparative terms , Britain 's use of imprisonment as a sanction remains high ( Table 1.2 ) and current statistical projections on its continued use remain uniformly gloomy .
17 Mares carrying their first fetus produce much higher levels of antibodies if the fetus is a horse than if it is a mule , the exact opposite of what one would expect .
18 This week was her first state visit here in 17 years .
19 Miss Cairns , who sang on the latest Fish album , recently released her first album Picture Within on her husband 's Progress record label .
20 Writers like Saunders ( 1984 , 1986 ) have pointed out the problems of structuralism , but in their own work have often been guilty of endorsing profoundly capital logic accounts of social process .
21 The utopias which those most sensitive to envy and guilt have devised throughout the ages for their own relief remain literally utopian : the question is not how envy is removed , but how it is lived with .
22 The characters and their conjugal disjunction have indeed been generated out of a play of pronouns , out of ‘ words on a page ’ , for it is due to the lack they experience in each other that they are not able to constitute themselves through each other as subjects .
23 Although the first British atomic bomb had only just been tested a month before at Monte Bello Island off the north-west coast of Australia , the British government , under Churchill 's leadership , decided remarkably quickly in December to follow the American lead and to build its own hydrogen bomb as soon as possible .
24 As a gift to the family , Wimpey Homes has given them some furniture to help make their new house feel more like home .
25 A group of villagers say measures to slow down traffic on their main street have actually made things worse .
26 did n't did n't get much of you last time speak very quietly .
27 This suggests a closeness to Foucault 's notion of genealogy that the more strictly academic new historicists , whose own politics remain more carefully hidden , ignore .
28 But every now and then his plain-speaking style and his political passion come together : as , for example , when he switches between a dry , self-indulgent debate in the US Congress about Contra Aid and a graphic evocation of the atrocities committed by those Contras in Nicaraguan villages .
29 Anyway , my father and his theatrical consortium have always been great fans of Trumpton .
30 Sociolinguists who present their data using the simple graphs and frequency tables popularized by Labov in his early work have often been criticized for lack of statistical sophistication .
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