Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] [modal v] [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There 's nothing Biff Thacker can do to me that will even touch what I get at home . ’
2 Books of adventure , of which Dr Sambataro was a generous lender , convinced me that nothing exciting would ever happen in Fontanellato .
3 A character making a successful test against one-half his I can just manage to brace himself and avoid falling down , but you have to roll the tests from the top ( front of the party ) down .
4 Er another allocation under I five would simply mean that we 'd more land to find in and around main areas .
5 Here are two states , their economies reeling from decades of Communist rule , seeking control of a fleet which neither can properly afford to maintain .
6 FOR 15 hours on Tuesday Palestinians worldwide were faced with a prospect which few can seriously have thought about before — that of the PLO without Yasser Arafat as leader .
7 Here is conscientious Boris Nikolayevich , completing his graduate dissertation in one month rather than the usual five and then refusing the automatic promotion for which this would normally have qualified him , resolving instead to spend a year laying bricks , mixing concrete and becoming one of the boys .
8 But it does take time , and I think , you know , this puts the , this gives the framework in which this can usually open the opportunities and the methodist women are not short of confidence , and I think that 's why I married an anglican , you see .
9 Ultimately , of course , Æthelred 's inactivity did cost him his throne , but the point at which this could reasonably have been foreseen may have been little clearer to contemporaries than it is today .
10 Reliable nesting records are scarce or absent , partly because most cotingas build small , inconspicuous nests , which some will even dismantle if disturbed .
11 It offers none of the support for removable drives ( floppies and Syquest volumes ) that Stacker provides , which some will doubtless miss , but is purely and simply ( and simple is the watch word here ) a device for squeezing more data onto a fixed disk drive .
12 If that all sounds like success , there is another , more amazing story which Provincial can now tell .
13 Books have particular utilities which many will probably agree upon .
14 It is a tenable hypothesis that Bayezid II did indeed set a pattern and that many of the later foundations involving a joint muderris/muftilik were made simply in imitation of his precedent , though their effect might have been to create an official muftilik where none had existed before or to upgrade an existing muftilik ( which latter may well have been Bayezid II's intention in Amasya and Istanbul ) .
15 Those with children of their own can also gain enormously from the part that their parents play as grandparents .
16 The Foreign Secretary stressed , however , that aid on its own can never ensure reform is successfully carried through in the two countries .
17 There are of course still mysteries about dreaming , and for some of them , perhaps , the technology of the dream laboratory on its own will never provide a solution .
18 For if the parent bird were to be attacked and killed by the predator , all its young would inevitably perish for subsequent lack of parental care .
19 If the amphibians could manage to deposit their eggs out of water , their young would certainly have greatly increased chances of survival .
20 that nothing rude would ever happen to me again .
21 You two 'll just have to stand behind me and nod your 'eads . ’
22 ‘ We get between 40 and 80 people into the concert room midweek now , because trying something different will always bring people in the club . ’
23 However that may be — and the question of which side made use of them first may well remain unsolved — the Roman law provided the necessary structure for the growing canon law and its study , canonistics ; and it also provided the German emperorship with some possible answers to the canonist onslaught .
24 An ambitious dancer would kick high above her head , desperate to be noticed , while beside her another might hardly bother to lift her leg .
25 He defied the doctors of 1914 with energetic pedestrianism , and in his eighties would sometimes trick unwary visitors by suggesting a stroll .
26 He used his pace and aerial strength and created some chances , one of his passed could easily have resulted in a goal .
27 He thought of Samuel Roberts , of what that would really mean to him .
28 If I could get my applicant , you see if , let's say we pay somebody , I du n no fifty , sixty quid a week , fifty quid a week to come and for , two mornings , three mornings , or whatever that 'll then give me enough time to contact the applicants and then ma , maybe maybe two stroke three sales extra per month .
29 Obviously , no loving couple will present each other with a hard and fast ultimatum but will try to work through together what each can reasonably give to the partnership .
30 Talking through the advantages and the snags , and deciding what each can reasonably expect from the other , should reduce the threat of future rows and recriminations .
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