Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] [conj] [pron] have " in BNC.

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1 The critics never review my work , but this concerns me little as they have no power and little influence .
2 You may consider them hideous but they have evolved from trends within sportswear , particularly from the States and the licensed products used by the NFL .
3 The railway police and station staff were always telling them that but they had never had it from fellow buskers before .
4 Shh shh , she 's done nothing , she 's done nothing wrong and I 've assaulted her was the assault justified ?
5 It does n't seem to me sensible that I have the masters of the quality manual , master lists of procedure holders and so on because
6 He likes them fresh but they 've got to be like virgins — you know , untouched .
7 Minister of Science William Waldegrave , may have released the first major UK government White Paper on science and technology for over 10 years yesterday , but information technology professionals need n't hold their breath : while Waldegrave seems to think we should count ourselves lucky because we 've got our own research council for the first time , it would be more truthful to say we 've been stuffed into the miscellaneous section of the Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council , along with the electronic , electrical and communications industries ; our body , together with the Particle Physics and Sciences Research Council , will replace the Science and Engineering Research Council ; as a result , we will benefit ‘ from the same building of bridges between research bodies and industry ’ as the rest of the reorganised bodies and should experience interaction at an earlier stage — on the Japanese and German model .
8 Mm okay , because I 'm doing it so much better am I sure that I 've got this right ?
9 Whenever I saw her , she always smiled at me , It was as if she 'd got me confused with someone else , someone important Once I had half an hour to wait for a transport .
10 It was only because his repeated invitations had made her think that maybe the young man did need the support of someone familiar that she had agreed to come to Lisbon — and because , after a hardworking summer , she had been in need of a break .
11 I have worked with leaders whose style is so totally different to my own that I have found it incomprehensible that they achieve results , but nevertheless they do .
12 Syl was more of my mother 's generation than my own but it had never occurred to me before that he and she and Lili must all have been young at the same time .
13 I would like a home of my own but I have special requirements .
14 Ideally I would like a free house of my own but I have got nowhere to go .
15 Er another er rather another er on that tack of course talking about er well in this case a skeleton , I had a job to do just shortly before they closed Coney Street off fully and e it was myse I was on my own and I had t to pick up some dummies from er a ladies ' shop a dress shop .
16 I 'm used to being on my own and you 've had a long day . ’
17 I had said that I would find it easier on my own and she had been hurt , for normal mothers and daughters went together on this expedition , lunching in a department store and discussing the newly acquired contents of the carrier bags that lay at their feet .
18 Then they began to glance about them with jealous , embittered eyes , wondering if someone other than they had been saved , whether God had favoured one and not another .
19 This was performed by randomly selecting 15 slides scored by the pathologist ( SD ) at least one year earlier and having him rescore them unaware that he had previously examined them .
20 His mum had returned them unwatched because he had decided to visit a nightclub instead .
21 The final score was 4–3 to Royston with everyone content that they had given their best .
22 The passion of his kisses on her throat were leaving her weak and she had to will her fingers to hold on to the bodice .
23 They had her phone bugged before we even thought of going there — and they were never going to leave her alive once they 'd started asking her questions ; how could they ?
24 The Threarah 's rather good at making himself unpleasant when he 's been woken up at ni-Frith for what he considers a piece of trivial nonsense .
25 well its interesting that you 've remembered it , I mean do you wish you had reported it ?
26 oh no its straight after You 've Been Framed
27 She could quite happily spend a few days here , just remembering her own childhood : the train set , the beautifully designed doll 's house , the football game … it made her sad that she had no children of her own so that she could cling on to that childhood that she so often missed .
28 Their correct address is 6 Stassinos Street , Larnaca , but whilst I was there their Cessna 172 was having its annual and they had no other four-seaters to offer , only Cessna 152s .
29 Steve chose a chair to her left so she had to twist round to see him .
30 You have made 'em red , you have made 'em redundant and you in , in you have and I hope you 've had nobody redundant because I 've I 'd be pleased to go out to those homes and say them come back and I would be pleased to go up to and say you 've got your figures wrong because you 're saying that nobody 's made redundant ooh well I I 'm so pleased .
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