Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] [adv] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 My heart , to love him ; my will , to do his will , my mind , to glorify him ; my tongue , to speak to him and of him ; my eyes to see him in all things ; my hands to bring whatever they touch to him ; my all only to be a real ‘ all ’ : because it is joined to him .
2 After a week or two 's good behaviour Nigel began to feel the need to prove to himself that he could pick up a genuine , bona-fide amateur about the same age as Caroline — someone young enough to be his daughter , in other words .
3 Her fingers reached up to entwine in the clean curl of his black hair , every part of her aching shamelessly to be discovered and touched , by this one man who could whip up a storm in her heart …
4 He 's hoping the £80m service is all its cracked up to be , although his aims are n't extravagant .
5 Earlier he ends chapter three with a hint of humour saying that many people are not what they seem despite the appearances and begs her to try her utmost not to be worse than she appears , concluding : Here the word " form " is ambiguous referring to his writing as well as to a life-style .
6 She was flattered that Grace considered her young enough to be ordered about .
7 She was doing her best not to be noticed .
8 you know got enough to go to university , things like that to of been top dog all your school life , it might do you good not to be
9 You 'd have to take them all in to be examined , then see if there was any fraying around the trousers and you had n't reported it , for ordinary wear and tear had to be reported and then taken in for repair — you could n't repair it yourself .
10 Legends of the birth of the Buddha describe how the Great Being , the disincarnate Buddha , surveyed the ranks of living women to find one perfect enough to be his mother .
11 No one lucky enough to be at Newmarket when he first appeared can possibly forget it .
12 She assumed her sister was referring to getting into Cambridge , which she herself considered a poisonous , disreputable fantasy , and one unlikely ever to be fulfilled : the number of girls who had achieved Cambridge places from Battersby Girls ' Grammar in the last ten years could be counted on the fingers of one hand .
13 ‘ OK , we 'll make it half-eight just to be on the safe side . ’
14 But although I found it impossible not to be moved by the vibes and hype of enthusiastic publicity people and charming sales teams , there is no getting away from the fact that it is going to be a very tough year , with too many major titles to be able to do justice to them all ; and I do n't see any real evidence of anyone pruning their lists .
15 Stephen found it impossible not to be fond of him .
16 Small wonder that only four months after the Berlin Wall came down East German satirists are finding it hard not to be outdone by reality .
17 Tommy Sparks was a man having a remarkable thirst and woe betide anyone unfortunate enough to be having a haircut around opening time .
18 Headingley saw a cracking match , and anyone lucky enough to be there on the first day is unlikely to have forgotten it .
19 RICHARD INGRAMS 'S SANITY GOOD SPORTS Patrick Collins on England rugby Russell Bulgin on Grand Prix Cricketing cartoons by Ken Pyne and David Haldane Is anyone clean enough to be President ?
20 Some years ago , IBM bought into the videodisk business only to withdraw after it was tweaked by the press for backing a recording that purported to explain healthful massage but actually featured the kind of body rubbing one would n't show to anyone young enough to be dramatically influenced , Woody Allen 's romantic inclinations notwithstanding .
21 Very few teachers are qualified to make assessments on the basis of linguistic criteria , and Rosen and Burgess 's categories were in themselves vague enough to be interpreted differently by different teachers .
22 A quick bath and a change into one of Elinor 's cotton caftans , a blue ribbon to tie up my hair and a dab of powder on my freckles rendered me presentable enough to be fed .
23 As the mandroids calmly gassed the beaked exter and carted them both off to be flung into the street , I slid on to one of the unstained seats at the table and cheerfully looked around for a servaton .
24 Day after days of grand beau brought no rest for those of us fortunate enough to be there .
25 Those of us lucky enough to be in the choir were sitting on benches in the corridor beside the hall , an open corridor where we sat at right-angles to the rest of the school .
26 For those of us lucky enough to be able to read and play music , it certainly can be , fore the mind can then override textual aberrations of this kind ( providing they are not too excessive ) .
27 Those of us lucky enough to be linguists involved in teacher training have long felt that the potential contribution of linguistics to education is enormous .
28 It is a struggle Ellen and no mistake and though I have been thrifty as mother brought us all up to be and the rent is paid for the next year I am hard put to pay wages and still eat and keep warm .
29 As you saying to us all only to be said interest in the matter i in the erm the merging matter to .
30 Their first foods can consist of just about anything small enough to be eaten — newly-hatched brineshrimp nauplii , microworms , finely sifted daphnia , and powdered flake .
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