Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] [noun] [pers pn] will " in BNC.

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1 " And if you are giving me that appointment I will go .
2 My dear George YOU WILL not thank me for congratulating you on a lucky escape .
3 If I win a prize with my Premium Bond we will go together .
4 I hope that by telling you my personal experience it will help to save others .
5 Er that in my view wo n't happen because the I five sites we will still be allocating in and around the main urban areas .
6 My own argument I will draw together in the conclusion .
7 Without my two passengers I will also go faster . ’
8 In my next column I will deal with the chromatic approach notes .
9 For my next example I will go back to Sri Lanka for a case which exhibits with particular clarity the general principle that equality of status calls for direct equivalence in reciprocal behaviour .
10 If you have read my earlier memoirs you will know how this occurred .
11 But if they follow their usual form they will do nothing , because they are prepared to accept medieval barbarity rather than strain trade relations . ’
12 They need to know that they can give you your professional , their professional attention they will not make it compulsively , the majority party of what went wrong this is you were no longer the majority party .
13 In the special souvenir programme of their visit chairman of Farnham Urban District Council W. H. Emery waxed lyrical about the glories of England in April : ‘ They will find the countryside awakening to the call of spring with the first green buds bursting into life and on their return to their native land they will carry with them happy memories of Farnham — in April , ’ and inevitably he went on to quote Robert Browning on the subject of being in England , ‘ Now that April 's there … ‘
14 In addition to their genetic differences they will each have a different nurturing experience within their family , for example being the first born and only child is different from being the second or third child of parents already used to dealing with small babies and the noise , bustle and demands of older siblings .
15 However , if they keep up their current form they will finish in the bottom eight .
16 In its healthy state it will harbour millions of bacteria , known as resident flora , which are not only harmless but are essential to the proper functioning of the skin .
17 Therefore , if the Directive is adopted in its current form it will reduce the available protection for certain electronic databases to the lower 10 years unfair extraction right period .
18 The benefits for the local inspector are that by their greater number ( compared with HMIs — see Pearce , 1982 ) they can become more familiar with the schools , and by virtue of their advisory role they will have some responsibility for following up any findings of an inspection — whether it be formal or informal .
19 Pre-1575 Byrd is unevenly represented on record , and to experience its various facets you will have to assemble many scattered performances .
20 Now as Diana is free to return to the social world of her former friends she will realise that Lisa is rapidly becoming its new darling .
21 Where this involves opposition to those who run the global system in their own interests it will naturally involve transnational practices in the economic , political and cultural-ideological spheres .
22 The ‘ Pater Nostra ’ organisation , which will care for physically and mentally handicapped people in Atea , expect to find that by owning their own tractor they will not only go a long way to becoming self-sufficient but will be able to hire out the tractor locally to enhance their income .
23 For this we must rely to a great extent upon Soviet goodwill and if we make difficulty over returning their own nationals it will react adversely upon their willingness to help in restoring to us as soon as possible our own prisoners . "
24 ‘ If they each do their own thing they will repeat things , but if we can bring that all together and have a centralised repository for the work that people have done , it will save having to reinvent the wheel each time .
25 When the tap reaches its fullest extent it will come off ( and probably fall in the sink ) and the water will stop flowing
26 In any case , they argue that if a country really wants to build its own bomb it will do so .
27 Clearly , if MDC does not possess the institutional resources to meet its new challenges it will not succeed .
28 Can he give the House more details about the important review of wave energy and will he also tell us which other projects it will cover ?
29 In her new role she will acquire fiction and non-fiction for the Weidenfeld general list with editorial director Allegra Huston , reporting to publishing director Ion Trewin .
30 Second will guarantee a UEFA place , and I think if Leeds can get out of the rut of drawing so many of their recent games they will attain this position .
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