Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] start [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I mean to start as a group home , well I mean it , of all the places , A it 's not like an ordinary home
2 I mean starting from the way children go to school in the morning — they expect their parents to take them quite often , and to contribute to pollution .
3 I intend to start with the Dwarf Angel , and after three months I will put in a very young Regal Tang , which I would keep until it is three inches long .
4 How I tend to start with the boring bits like the sky and then reward myself later with an interesting part like a face or a patch of white .
5 I suggest starting with a cheaper jacket until you get hooked — and you can always wear it at weekends afterwards .
6 But it was no good , little bits fell out , and I 'd started in the most obvious place , where he 's bound to spot it .
7 My peg was on a gravel point , it looked perfect for the stick float but as I was fishing for a good weight I opted to start on the feeder .
8 KRUGER AND RAINS were our most up-front suspects , so I decided to start with the mystery man of the Cicero Club , George Macready .
9 I said starting on the Monday ?
10 I had started at the Royal College of Music , and the atmosphere there was at first hostile to volunteering .
11 Knowing that I had to start at a new school in the city , with new people and new teachers , I began to worry all over again .
12 I 've started at the College , ’ he told Bobby Hunt , ‘ — it 's very nice there as I do n't have to do anything : the paintings though are past belief . ’
13 ‘ I feel deeply honoured to have been given the opportunity of continuing the work I 've started in the last 16 months , ’ he said .
14 In this review , I 've started from the premise that Excel is capable of doing all the spreadsheety things — like adding columns of figures , applying formulae , and allowing complex calculations based upon built-in functions .
15 In this brief precis of object relations theory I have started from the proposition that good objects are remembered and bad ones only hidden in the unconscious .
16 I wanted to start at the beginning .
17 The West Stand will be out of commission at the time because of the ground 's redevelopment , which has started with the construction of stands to replace the north and south terracing .
18 A. vole premaxilla showing breakage of incisors ( ×15 ) ; B. sutural separation between premaxilla and maxilla ( ×15 ) ; C. occlusal cracking of vole molars ( ×15 ) ; D. enlargement of cracking , which appears to start in the dentine and then causes separation of the inner enamel surface ( ×75 ) ; E. slight chipping of enamel edge ( ×225 ) ; F. longitudinal splitting of incisor enamel ( ×15 ) ; G. slight modification of enamel surface of the incisor enamel ( same specimen as F. ) ( ×75 ) ; H. enlargement of enamel modification , showing it to be caused by splitting and flaking rather than etching ( ×375 ) ; I. femur head showing slight cracking ( ×26 ) ; J. enlargement of cracking ( ×75 ) ; K. splitting and cracking of tibia shaft ( ×38 ) ; L. enlargement of tibia ( ×75 ) ; M. splitting and depression of immature long bone shaft ( 15 ) ; N. enlargement of same ( ×60 ) .
19 This sort of interference , which had started as a matter of special favour in special cases , gradually becomes a regular practice .
20 A leading Right-On thinker , she had co-written the Beyond The Fragments book which had started as a mere pamphlet , but had attracted so much interest that it had been upgraded and sold an extremely respectable 20,000 copies in paperback , having a major effect on its earnest readership .
21 Abolition of the Provisions and reform of the Constitution were , therefore , a crucial part of the process of political liberalization which had started with the ending of martial law in July 1987 [ see p. 35378 ] .
22 The feet , which had started down the stairs , came back .
23 The pie parade , which included about fifty floats which had started from the neighbouring village of Scissett , arrived late at the pie field , having been stuck on various sections of the route , including the entrance to the field itself .
24 The expansion of learning , which had started in the second half of the fifteenth century , now began to attract Royal attention .
25 She did n't officially begin her regular duties until Monday , which she planned to start with a meeting of all available personnel at the station , but between them she , Cavell and Penny Seu Chen had managed to fill up most of Sunday with their planning .
26 Your choice therefore could be boiled down to whether you want to start with the " real thing " on video , as an example of what the unit is about , or whether you want to keep the most realistic example for later , to reinforce what has gone before .
27 Well you want to start with the bottom number on the bottom do n't you ?
28 ‘ Everything she says starts with a ‘ D ’ .
29 She 'd started with a small ad in a contact magazine , and a box number to keep the entire business at arm 's length ; she could n't believe the number of replies that came in .
30 For the truth was that she 'd been offered promotion a dozen times — in spite of the fact that when she 'd started as a trainee she 'd had no formal training , no experience , nothing to commend her but a fistful of ambition .
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