Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] out a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Law Commission committee says that this principle is not good enough ; sellers should be under a legal duty to reveal everything they know and ought to know about their property — which would oblige them to carry out a survey before offering it for sale .
2 In execution of that policy it was proposed that a circular would be issued to all local authorities asking them to carry out a review of the curriculum in their areas in consultation with their schools and to report the results within about twelve months .
3 Gary wants me to find out a bit more about it cos he wants a new one , another , well he wants a new one , cos we done a deal , get my bed , if we get the bedroom done
4 So I made out a roster , and there were over a hundred carriage cleaners at and I made out a roster for them .
5 So I made out a roster , and there were over a hundred carriage cleaners at and I made out a roster for them .
6 In an effort to combat the isolation and fear I felt at the time , I sought out a number of parents in similar situations to my own ; we had to create our own support systems .
7 I got out a ball gown to lend to a neighbour and found it had been cheaply dry-cleaned , ’ she said .
8 I got out a pack of Old Favourites , lit one and fanned smoke through my nostrils .
9 I got out a handkerchief and began to wipe it off .
10 I found out a couple of weeks ago .
11 For a minority there was disappointment : ‘ Well , it was all very interesting , I found out a lot about what other staff think .
12 I blacked out a bit last night .
13 I put out a hand to grasp you , and you slip through my fingers like the quicksilver cascade of a waterfall .
14 The door began to close and I put out a hand to stop it .
15 I let out a shriek .
16 On reaching the Fish I let out a cry of triumph , overjoyed to have got there while conveniently forgetting the Verdon-like wall which lay above .
17 If anyone put Jacklin oft at this stage it was me , because I let out a roar when Lee 's ball went in , and I was keen to get to the 18th .
18 I let out a breath of relief .
19 So I map out a route over familiar country near home which takes in some old hedges and one-time mushroom pastures , hoist a gathering bag over my shoulder — and then curse the fact that the mid-October day that I have carefully planned for this expedition turns out to be the most dismal of the autumn so far .
20 Someone hands out a flyer for Digital Bubblebath , a rave set for next weekend .
21 I shook out a couple of tablets , rolled them about in my hand , and then put them back , cursing Alice heartily .
22 Back in Armstrong , I dug out a road atlas from under the driver 's seat and turned to the page covering south-east London and north Kent .
23 I set out a position which argues that there may be too much and also too little evidence for the existence of God to make religious belief a tenable option .
24 The political argument for conventionalism I set out a moment ago supposes that this kind of situation is inevitable , that no theory of adjudication can prevent it .
25 I I remember I knocked out a man 's teeth in front of witnesses , just by using my mi my fist like that , hitting their tooth with a karate pass and brought the tooth out cleanly .
26 I had my trumpet case on my knee and half a carriage to myself , so I pulled out a paperback of Gore Vidal 's latest Essays and read the one where he thinks he gets confused with Anthony Burgess .
27 With some of the other interested officers I worked out a syllabus for training selected junior officers in the rudiments of seamanship and navigation using Venturous as a practical training ship .
28 But here I was stuck back on the dole with a Fostex 250 , a guitar , a microphone and a drum machine , so I worked out a way of getting up to about eleven tracks on the Portastudio by constantly bouncing to and fro .
29 This time I worked out a pattern to my own measurements with correct tension and hopefully with more luck .
30 As a matter of fact , as I was larding my toast with the old Maria Schneider this morning , preparatory to sprinkling it with Ecstasy , I worked out a scenario involving eight women , providing one of them was Indian and none were dressed as Carmelites .
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