Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] say [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 District councillor S. Carmedy immediately sprang to his feet and proclaimed that what I had said was untrue .
2 When Miss Temple received a letter from Dr Lloyd , agreeing that what I had said was true , she told the whole school that I had been wrongly accused and was not a liar .
3 Now that 's that I have to say is achievable in two weeks just the same .
4 ‘ What I have to say is important . ’
5 What you do say is good .
6 ‘ And if what you 've said is kosher , then somewhere there 'll be a bank of phones for him to do his dirty dealing on .
7 She seems a bit spiteful and not very bright but what she had to say was factual . ’
8 What are we going to call that , illustrations , is the word , what are we going to say is acceptable as an illustration ?
9 ‘ But , ’ I replied , ‘ if any of what we have said is true , why does Queen Margaret grieve over the corpse of an imposter ?
10 They contributed because on the one hand , they were asked and understood that what they had to say was important , and also because too many of them grew up in a world without such books .
11 I think that both governments are aware of the proposals that emerged from th my dialogue with Mr Addams , and the process that has emerged , that I have said , and he has said is substantial progress towards lasting peace .
12 The worst part lay in facing up to the fact that some of the things he 'd said were true , much as she might try to deny it .
13 It would have been more usual to have asked her with careful casualness to wait behind after the meeting but what he had to say was private and he had been trying for some weeks now to cut down the number of times when they were known to be alone together .
14 The former economics professor conceded that his plan to replace six indirect taxes with a 15 per cent goods and services tax ( GST ) , which he had said was essential to make Australia competitive , had been unpopular .
15 She soon realised that what he had said was true : taste and style were inborn .
16 She remembered Havvie 's last words when he had left her that afternoon , and knew that what he had said was true .
17 She thought that what he had said was likely to be either partially or totally untrue , but it was not her concern .
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