Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] as [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Erm , I think these refugees are likely to include the most enterprising , the best trained and so on , they 'll be a grave loss to the Soviet economy , erm , but I think they 're a potential gain to us and er , I do n't think that , I think therefore we should make arrangements to try and absorb them if we can and , and let them contribute as they undoubtedly will to our own economies .
2 For he had stumbled across — or it had been revealed to him — that if you act as you deeply want to act and if that , sublimely , coincides with what you aim for , then nothing is simpler , nothing is more dynamic , nothing is happier .
3 ‘ Yes , ’ she muttered as she deliberately refused to even consider the implications of his statement , of that strong body being in a wheelchair , diminished , the arrogance dimmed .
4 anybody they are in the area you know as they always say and ah sorry we need a back door so they say they offer one per door one
5 But I mean you know as you just said then they 'd wan na charge you per hour it 's
6 She watched as he quickly sized up the situation and then took command .
7 She had planned , she thought as she warily made her way downstairs the following morning , on solitude .
8 And making a load of hay especially , you had to work it , roll every pitchfork you had , roll it and set it properly so that you knew as you now then you must have numbers on them so you know how to unravel that lot .
9 She felt as she always did , not fear , but a kind of cold , dead calm , the way you might feel in a car in which the brakes have gone the moment before the crash .
10 ‘ There 've been villages looted , men killed , women carried off — the usual tale of barons who do as they please while the King is helpless .
11 But as long as you are here , there 's one saving grace — you do as I bloody well tell you ! ’
12 She took it through to the lounge and laid it on the rug and at first I was amused But I could see all was not well because she sat as she usually does , but for a long time — over half an hour — then she lay down like this and she has n't moved . "
13 I remember Christmas Eve 1930 , when we went as we always did on that day to the High Street to look at the lighted shops , seeing a little girl in a tattered dress and with bare feet , her nose pressed at the toy-shop window .
14 On learning that Rose 's mother had acted with Edmund Kean , his resistance to her dissolves as he creakily re-enacts some of Kean 's great moments .
15 As she heard him come back she refrained from looking out of her window , nor did she go down to the corridor outside his room when , a little later , she heard him groaning as he always did in the grip of a nightmare .
16 Whilst one of the rights of owners is to use the land which they own as they please , there are restrictions on their use of land due to the rights of others .
17 ‘ Tell you what ? ’ he asked as he hastily clamped her hand still and moved it back to his chest .
18 ‘ What you got there then , boys ? ’ he shouted as he tight rope walked over a strip of rock strata showing just above the mud of the trough .
19 He drove as he always drove in those days , well , but far too fast .
20 ‘ But yes , ’ he replied as he attentively opened the passenger door of his Skoda for her .
21 Yes , you are ! ’ he repeated as she fervently shook her head .
22 ‘ Where 's Terry ? ’ he demanded as he expertly spooned instant coffee into numerous cups .
23 He felt as he always did on the moor , and especially on this spot and on Big Allen , peaceful , without care , without self almost , at one with nature and the past , and as if nothing that happened down there could hurt or vex him any more .
24 He looked as he always had , with the same lopsided grin .
25 What he wanted , of course , was for me to write as much like he did as I possibly could .
26 He paused as he always did at the foot of the stairs , his left hand holding the lamp , his right hand resting on the banisters .
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