Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] we [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Last time we got them filled we got them from down here , thirty odd quid .
2 I mean we hope we 're doing the right thing , and as I say the response we 're getting seems to indicate that , but we have not erm followed through each of we have a large number of participants every year , you see , in the order of about erm a hundred and fifty each year , so very difficult for you to try and follow through the fate of each of them .
3 Erm and it , it was us , I mean not only do we , I mean we develop her a a response , that means , we , we work with Councillor 's we work with Senior Officer 's in other departments and we look at the policy angles , like for example with , with that piece of legislation , when , when we first realised what the impact for that legislation was , it was gon na mean that we were ten million pound short in our housing money basically , that was , that was what it looked like on the surface and you think oh my god how you gon na make up for that short fall , that would mean an eleven pound a week rise in rent , that 's what it worked out as , so , well we ca n't do that , how , and then you have to look at the legislation and you say what are the loop holes here , and erm , and it involves contacting outside organisations and getting there opinion and finding out what other Council 's are doing and responding to things like this , and we did come up with a way , of , of reducing that deficit , but that 's the kind of thing we do .
4 And erm I mean we towed it over a thousand miles so the
5 No reason no reason why that should n't be I mean we 've we 've got what we use as a as a clip display thing that 's about six foot high and three panels you know but erm
6 And it 's already I mean we 've we 've kept it in prime condition , painted with company colours .
7 causing bad feeling or trying to upset her trade , I mean we know she 's rubbish but erm I , I said er I just said well the children who enjoy it enjoy it I said but he never really settled and er we felt that between us we 'd got over twenty years ' experience of working with children , we reckoned we knew a little bit more about what makes children tick .
8 Cos I mean we know it 's going up whoever gets in they 're gon na put it up
9 I mean we get it as well , it 's not , you so sort of say oh my jobs a cosy little job , but it 's not that cosy believe me , you get put in some very awkward situations .
10 I mean we charge him .
11 thing early in the week out with him and he did n't know how to operate it , so half the tapes , I mean we checked them because he 's he 's got ta write down who is speaking on on those tapes
12 Though it would be a case of finding someone else to go off with and not just sort of like , I mean we mentioned it years ago .
13 Well we did take some er legal advice on it and we were told that it was not illegal , erm I mean we think it 's highly immoral erm , but we were told it was not illegal , because they did not actually use the er the redundancy money did not come out of the fund , only this enhanced pension etcetera which was using up the , the surplus and we were told
14 which should be grate , because , he 's mum , I mean we love her dearly , but she has to go to Lenny 's in , dinner time and us in the evening every year
15 Children , particularly our own grandchildren I discovered er had got money in the building societies I mean we give them money for presents and throw it into a building society , and I said what 's happening about your , your tax ?
16 I mean we have her for
17 it 's that sort of time of the year when you have all sorts of people there , but I mean she 's such , so pathetic , words gon na come over for lunch , I mean we have them over every year sort of Christmas time
18 I mean , like our cricket club dinner , I mean we have it 's usually between sort of eighty , and a hundred and twenty people , but
19 I mean we did you know stuff like erm er what 's the one I did ?
20 we are , we are encouraging the rich peasant , I mean we want you to settle down and become rich and , although we have this ultimate aim of socialization , collectivization , we 've got to industrialize first and that , that is a long time off .
21 But I am not going to go overboard — I expect us to beat them . ’
22 I say we kill him .
23 I speak for everyone here when I say we wish you all the best , and hope that for you ( pause ) ‘ the best is yet to come ’ .
24 I say we give them Balaam and His Ass — just you , me and the boy — and be very discreet gathering their farthings .
25 And if I say we think you know where he is now , then you can believe we know that too . ’
26 I suggest we put it once at the end as erm , item so and so , so and so , so and so , are two piece construction .
27 Now nobody 's done it , now we 've got two people in our area and one packing line , so I suggest we get them three together now and sort it out as to who done it and if they have n't done it and then wait while the three o'clock mane comes on , see if he 's done it .
28 If we 've nothing to add on this question , I suggest we shelve it for now and hear what Anthea Darnell has to say . ’
29 ‘ Then I suggest we find it quickly , ’ Bernice urged .
30 I suggest we give you some paper and a pencil .
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