Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] but [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I mean you do n't wan na be push , push I mean but at the same time you do n't wan na be you do n't definitely wan na be running around like a cuckoo head do you ?
2 Yeah I mean but on the other hand the there 's probably quite a few that did read it .
3 We may need back-up — Dillon is n't a man I like but in a tight corner he 's formidable . ’
4 Now I am very ashamed of the way I felt but at the time my feelings were very strong .
5 So , wrote Harsnet , there is continuity as well as discontinuity , but that does not mean , he wrote , that there exists what is called character , personality , character , Goldberg wrote in the margin , personality , as they seem to think , wrote Harsnet ( and Goldberg went on typing ) , when they say you have such a generous character if you would only recognize it , or you have so much to offer , or it is not for myself I speak but for you , not for myself I mourn but for the waste of all that generosity , when they pour those words over you , character , generosity , warmth , looking sad , shedding tears , putting on a brave face , saying do n't pay any attention to me , or , it 's nothing , forget it , I 'm crying for the waste , meaning waste if it 's not directed towards them , but you have only to see what happens when one lets oneself be persuaded by that sort of thing , wrote Harsnet , you have only to see what happened to Hutchinson , MacMahon , Rollins and Goldberg .
6 It makes you think but at the end of the day you 've trained your horses to be here and do it well .
7 Emma can you concentrate but on the other hand I think that we would be missing something if we did n't point out that it has that side to it , alright .
8 She addresses herself in this article not to the schoolchildren whom she describes but to an audience of fellow academics .
9 We know that you can understand all you like but in the end offenders must face their personal responsibility .
10 The expenses which were deducted before any payment was made to her were incurred not by anybody she employed but by the trustees whom the truster had appointed to manage his estate and whom he had directed to pay all necessary charges of administration before any division took place .
11 Desperately she pleaded but to no avail .
12 We were being blown east ; we corrected but with no DME we were n't sure how far east we were .
13 And we do have similarities — not so much in the way we work but in the way we seen things .
14 However , in the short time they flourished , they had an enormous impact , not so much on the towns they joined but on the countryside through which they passed .
15 He recovered but at the age of 22 was left almost completely bald and had to wear a wig , a fashion he discarded in the heat of India .
16 It is meant both to set out extraordinary expenditure which was how it arose but at the same time John pointed out that it might be a good thing if we also had an indication of the routine procedures and so therefore they are now set out in one document and are for your er final approval .
17 Any program that receives favourable reviews from enough teachers should be considered for — distribution as it stands but on a national basis — production to a professional standard — transferability to other microcomputers — publication by national system — publication by commercial publishers .
18 According to my account of differentiation theory , however , the effect of discrimination training depends not on the associations it creates but on the fact that it concentrates the subject , s attention on distinctive features of the stimuli .
19 So I stood by the door and I never moved till he went in oh he said But with a caravan I do n't know .
20 And if you look back at the minutes and then Yona I think she 's great as the secretary because she does n't let anything go but on the other hand she 's pretty informal about and the way th that over the weeks you know somebody er Julie or June or Mervia Ann come up with the suggestion that they maybe feel why do n't we do this and then by the next week it 's turned into a a rally or a big picket or or a record .
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