Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] she with [art] " in BNC.

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1 Some some of them were never in t I well I did n't know my aunt when I met her with a hat on .
2 I caught her with a rope .
3 B : ‘ I thought she was far too cocky but then I changed my mind and I pursued her with a vengeance . ’
4 I have to confess that I walloped her with a newspaper but I did n't touch her . ’
5 Mrs Smith needs someone to help her with the practical side of caring , to arrange respite breaks , coordinate the nursing input and ensure that the hospital and local authority services work together with her .
6 At that point , I hated her with a strength I never knew I had possessed up until then .
7 But was that really her fault — or was I presenting her with an impossible task ?
8 When I confronted her with the chapter and verse of her part in arranging for tip the press off about her visit to Mrs Bartholomew , she was adamant in her denials .
9 I find her with the eye .
10 I did it , I hit her with the iron chain your convict left on the marshes , but I did it because I hated you ! ’
11 Sally Curtiss , the Circle 's membership secretary , is here , so I entrusted her with the annexe key . ’
12 Without warning she reached her hand sideways and took mine and pressed it , as if to give me courage ; and perhaps to make me identify her with the original , gentle Lily .
13 ‘ I think I 'm going to vomit , ’ she muttered to no one in particular , and sat down with a plop on a new imitation Italian chair , which received her with a reedy groan .
14 There had even been times when he 'd found himself imagining her with no clothes on at all — the way he had once seen Peggy Podmore — and felt the same keen desire well up in him .
15 For several seconds , as their gazes met and held , she was disturbingly aware of the strong , sun-bronzed column of his throat , the startlingly blue gaze which studied her with an intensity so vibrantly sexual that it almost took her breath away before he turned his attention to the American couple .
16 She describes her readers ' profession as ‘ dynamic and exciting ’ , all of which presents her with the problem of writing content erudite yet lively , weighty but not pompous .
17 Which left her with no alternative but to hobble on as best she could .
18 DOG SAVES WOMAN : Alsatian saved 27-year-old woman ower by biting man who attacked her with a knife .
19 Without a word , Lucenzo offered her a jug of coffee and flicked a quick finger at the alert barman , who provided her with a fresh cup .
20 She quelled her with a brisk command .
21 I just want you to judge her with a fuller picture at your disposal .
22 Rosa was there drinking fruit juice with Fritz Kott and a few other pupils from the Egon Schultz School who greeted her with the same , unanimous question : ‘ What happened ? ’
23 On the waterfront she ran into the most assiduous of her mother 's winter acquaintances who greeted her with an exhibition of surprise .
24 Loosening the rope so the mare 's nose could reach the ground , she left her with a pile of hay .
25 We travel her with a tail bandage over gamgee and have no trouble .
26 Though we threaten her with a headline reading ‘ Real Labour candidates do n't eat muesli ’ she insists that it 's not for her own consumption .
27 Listening to her talk about the make of corset she wore and the neckline shape that best suited her , speaking on these matters with the kind of solemnity they would only have brought to bear on the country 's economic situation or the future of the United Nations , they regarded her with the polite incomprehension with which they would have looked at a Martian .
28 The two newspapers reporting this case both focused on his claim that sex taunts from his 56-year-old wife over his impotency provoked him to strangle her with a flex .
29 They filled her with a deep , purple-rich sadness that was almost like happiness .
30 ‘ Did they see her with the man ? ’
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