Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] he on a " in BNC.

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1 I feed him on a diet of mixed fish , with the odd goldfish ( the diet suggested by the fishkeeper ) .
2 ‘ After I saw him on a TV programme I phoned him .
3 Just that I saw him on a train to London a couple of weeks ago .
4 I think I saw him on a bicycle . ’
5 By contrast the peripheral employee is judged entirely on his past record or that of the consultant company which employs him on a semi-permanent basis .
6 To wit : Syrett , beautiful but doomed , cut his hand on a wine glass at a party and , after ignoring his doctor 's advice to avoid climbing , did irreparable damage to his tendons which started him on a tightening spiral of alcoholism and eventual suicide .
7 A senior detective said : ‘ The married woman said she met him on a plane .
8 ‘ She was a married woman , who said she met him on a plane , ’ a senior detective told TODAY .
9 She met him on a forest track , ran him down and did her best to kill him .
10 If you put him on a wyvern there is a temptation to spend half the game flitting about behind the enemy lines or stuck up in the air .
11 One day he slipped off alone , out of interest , to look up a local doctor , who took him on a tour of hospitals .
12 Three years later she accompanied him on a tour of India .
13 Clive Kemp 's suggestion that she join him on a cruise across the Mediterranean had seemed the perfect antidote to a long hard winter , a series of temping jobs which had been more demanding than usual , and the unpleasantness of her break-up with Giles .
14 We send him on a B S five four double O course .
15 ‘ Two days after I did the tattoo they found him on a street in Los Ilusiones .
16 come Saturday they 'd rearranged the whole ward and they put him on a W R V S air bed , he were in heaven on this bed , I said why the fuck could n't you have done that earlier ?
17 so they put him on a life support did they ?
18 When he gave them his name they arrested him on a charge of rape .
19 The doctor was concerned enough about him to trail him on a journey that Thomas then made to London Airport .
20 But they started him on a new course of treatment yesterday and he 's begun to respond . ’
21 They put him on an airliner .
22 During the summer of 1977 she watched him play polo at Smith 's Lawn , Windsor and when , in February 1978 , he invited her to join him on a skiing party in Klosters , Switzerland there was much speculation that she might be the future queen of England .
23 He did him on a discipline charge and he was sacked .
24 I had only been at home for about ten days when a friend of mine asked me to join him on a journey to the East Indies .
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