Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] he for [art] " in BNC.

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31 She remembers the time he was coming out of his flat in the midst of a rainstorm and was approached by a young man who asked him for the price of a meal .
32 This was not an opinion , simply the Catholic moral teaching , he said at the funeral of Henry Babbington , shot dead on Wednesday by IRA men who mistook him for a loyalist terrorist .
33 Taskopruzade 's grandfather , for example , studied under Molla Yegan , probably at some time alter 839/1435–6 , and it was Molla Yegan who recommended him for the post at Taskopru .
34 One person whose eye he did catch was Patrick McGoohan , who recommended him for the role of cabin boy John Drake in Sir Francis Drake , a twenty-six-part adventure series made by ITC , whose boss , Lew Grade , was expert at making programmes that would sell to America ; one of them was Danger Man , starring McGoohan .
35 Thomas Poole the younger had been born into comfortable West Somerset obscurity in 1765 , and gave little sign to those who met him for the first time of the great gifts of character and intellect which he possessed .
36 Stoughton was even a friend of Matthew Arnold , who proposed him for the Athenaeum .
37 His seat is secure but he is also seeing the man who defeated him for the party leadership on the way to another victory for the Tories .
38 You dropped him for the Prime Minister . ’
39 Relations between the Prime Minister and Nigel Lawson may still be strained ( she blames him for the present difficulties ) .
40 She blames him for the break-up of the coterie .
41 ‘ He feels as if you played him for a fool .
42 To cover the fact that she had far too many feelings altogether , she ignored him for the first part of the morning .
43 Managing the boat , he was in total command , and she admired him for the ease with which he wove between the countless busy craft , the pleasure boats , gondolas and the small and large ferries , his eyes constantly alert .
44 Sometimes he would be able to hire a premium artist , one who paid him for the privilege of playing .
45 COMIC Rowan Atkinson is anything but funny in real life and is convinced people who meet him for the first time think he is a disappointment .
46 ‘ I 'll be working like a Trojan for the next twelve weeks , ’ Lisa smiled back as she thanked him for the coffee .
47 Bond received threats of a ‘ warm welcome ’ from Burnley fans , who blamed him for the club 's decline after his season in charge eight years ago .
48 So , ‘ Goodnight , Ven , ’ she bade him for a third time , only this time she stretched up to him and touched her lips to his cheek .
49 Carolyn knew that he was angry with her , for some reason which she could n't fathom , and that the more she pressed him for an explanation the more he clammed up over it .
50 Please would she meet him for a long dinner on Friday — he would expect to hear from her tomorrow or the next day .
51 She watched him for a moment .
52 She watched him for a moment , wishing she did n't feel so defensive every time he broached the subject of Arnie .
53 She watched him for a while , feeling superfluous .
54 Who selected him for the job , General ? ’
55 These words were probably written after the capture and tonsuring of the king in 731 by unnamed opponents who kept him for a while in a monastic centre , somewhere presumably in Northumbria .
56 And then , because she did n't want to be saying goodbye to him any sooner than she had to , she took him for a wander through the main part of the Hall to see how the preparations were going .
57 You saw him for the last time in 1959 .
58 Anyone know who marked him for the 3–3 draw at Leeds ?
59 One of the Tory MPs who supported him for the leadership of the party in 1990 told me that Michael Heseltine no longer had a political future .
60 Prince Charles rang her every day , suggesting she join him for a walk or a barbecue .
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