Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] i [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Everyone says that to me , Ruth thought ; everyone wants me to bring them Undry … and I 've promised it to Fand , but I do n't know now whether she 's alive or dead .
2 I asked I asked my clerk t to get me file something and he says ,
3 When I buy I pay it however when I sell I lose it .
4 I think I think er these days people take er take baths and showers quite often and you have to be pretty close to somebody before you smell them I guess , I mean I hope you do anyway .
5 I mean I hope you wo n't have a cold , so you should n't do .
6 what he says behind my back , I mean I tell you someone else who 's two faced , Marcus is two faced .
7 I mean I doubt it 'll matter in this case , it 's not that serious .
8 Okay so do you want to run us through some of the things that we have n't really discussed in detail of what we 're gon na talk about in here today , specifically have we , I mean I thought something along the lines of er the nature and extent of sexual variations in English , or any other language you want .
9 What did you think , we actually got on very well , I mean I thought we worked quite well together as a team .
10 I mean , I like the costume , I mean I thought they
11 I mean I thought I 'd be absolutely frightened out of my mind but erm no .
12 Quite a few turned up with us , I thought , I mean I thought I would n't know anything , but no one else had read the book .
13 I mean I thought you 'd 've made a note about oh I must come back to that later
14 I mean I thought you felt uncomfortable Mike .
15 Well enough anyway , I mean I thought you were giving me something easier to do not
16 I mean I thought you 'd be able to click onto move and hit F one say , and that 'd give you a help screen saying to move something , click on it and move to where you want .
17 I mean I thought she 'd had something but she 's , do n't want anything .
18 Yeah well I mean I saw him what , either a fortnight or three weeks ago , three , probably about three weeks , and at that stage my plaster that I 'd had on after the er op had only been off perhaps a fortnight , it was Christmas intervening you see , so he had every sort of right to say , you know , oh well yeah it should be okay , yeah .
19 I mean I saw her at eleven o'clock at night going jogging with a plastic bag wrapped around her arms .
20 Yeah , I mean I saw something interesting last night
21 I 'm , I 'm certainly as I was going to come on to explain and the way you will see ourselves working , is not people who sit in the Town Hall and just turn out reports , I mean the kind of work we do and the way we work means that were actually very much involved in the community groups , but I mean if it was , if it was thought to be an issue that we needed to have greater community involvement , i.e. to resurrecting that forum then that 's something that , you know , we may need to address , but I never saw it as operating like that anyway , I mean I saw it as it 's almost like in a cabinet of members mainly . .
22 Well it , it , it , it 's moving a bit in that direction , I mean I knew what their prediction was cos they kindly supplied it to me , which is why I made the point , but I mean as as you know from our proof we have a higher view of the demographic requirements in York even than that , for reasons that were amply discussed in general on on day one , to do with vacant dwellings , mortality , and I think still probably a difference in migration between us on York , which is statistical rather than environmental , but I think it is important to have that established early on that that even in the County Council 's view , and with their , as it were , doubts about the statistics which they themselves use , that er there is more need generated in York , however much it is , than York itself can accommodate , and that is of course without York city 's seven hundred addition for reducing concealed and sharing households which is not in the County Council 's figures .
23 So when I went , I had to go again on Monday I took just my purse in my pocket and thought oh this is bit , cos I mean I knew what I was going for , you know , were n't looking round for anything in particular and I thought this is bit risky !
24 I mean I knew they would n't be
25 Well , well no , no because it was then about , that 's what I 'm is , then four o'clock you see , so I mean I knew I would n't make it anyway that 's why I thought I 'd better ring cos the job that we finished was half past three so I thought well even if I come home I shall be late even if I do n't get changed and washed or anything .
26 Anyway ; I used to be petrified of these dragons , even though I knew they probably did n't exist ; I mean I knew there was no Santa Claus , and no fairies and elves , but still thought ghosts and dragons were a possibility , and it only took one to kill you …
27 If she 's , well I mean I knew she 'd sort of had a relationship and
28 Yeah well b well what I 'm trying to say and I ca n't emphasise it too strongly is that I do n't want anybody going round like writing another stupid letter to somebody saying that erm you know the reason we 're inundated that it has n't been advertised properly cos I tell you what it 'll come back right in our faces cos it 's our bloody fault Well that 's right well we know that I mean I told them all I told them all quite clearly when I was up in Glasgow that they 'd be quiet for at least a month because p it 'll take time to filter through .
29 mm , I , I mean I told them I went
30 Yes , I mean I told him
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