Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] the [noun prp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In Spain the struggle over the succession in 1702–13 had seen a prolonged effort by Catalonia and much of Aragon to throw off Castilian rule , an effort which drove them to support the Habsburg Archduke Charles against the eventually victorious Bourbon claimant to the throne , Philip V , grandson of Louis XIV .
2 The supporters were happy , the players were happy and everyone agreed the Everton board had pulled off a coup in tempting their most successful manager back to Merseyside .
3 Now , three weeks later , here is where I was advised to begin-with them bringing the McLaren girl over from Fort Thomas in an ambulance wagon and the lieutenant taking her right into the Alamosa Hotel .
4 MAUD Smyth has asked me to thank the Rev Grindle and all who helped to make the memorial service for her brother Thomas , who had died in Canada , so beautiful and moving .
5 A lot of them concerned the Arsenal team and what I thought about them . ’
6 Let me introduce the Bovril Babe .
7 When I was asking them which was their favourite area , not unsurprisingly a couple of them mentioned the Lake District — anytime except in the summer holidays .
8 For this review I asked the PR firm promoting FAXgrabber to send me a fax so I could demonstrate the program in operation .
9 I asked the I Ching one more question .
10 Well it seems like that 's hoping for pie in the sky , though , because there 's first of all not enough money , and I do n't think that teachers are that good at well talking about their own emotions , and I asked the Oxfordshire County Council Education Department to send someone along to this programme , and they said ‘ I 'm sorry , there 's no-one to send ’ .
11 It would be a great way to repay them if I made the England side and contributed to its success . ’
12 I mean the Dunmow Road , Hockerill
13 I mean the Bradford Dukes always win at Bradford because I 've heard on the grapevine , not from me , that they 've got little bumps round the bends and they fill them in and only the Bradford riders know whereabouts they are , so they skirt round them .
14 Erm and she was from the Pentiford area I think , erm oh quite a well educated girl , erm there was nothing to stop them from joining , I mean the London Fire Brigade there are , are fire fighters who are girls , erm and the er they do very well erm there are problems of course , with , with women on fire stations , but nevertheless there 's no reason why they should n't be there , providing they can do the job and I 'm sure those who read the papers and see the news know that in Russia and places like that , women do the , do the job very well .
15 I mean the Queen Elizabeth , Q E two never even went into that like an average steamer , thirty five knots or something
16 But my feeling is that the sort of run-of-the-mill , solid English composer , I say solid — they are not actually solid — but I mean the Harrison Birtwhistles , the Maxwell Davises of this world are some of the most interesting people in the world at the moment .
17 Having arrived at St Louis with Paul Gilbert and Billy Sheehan , I presumed the Jackson association was not a recent one …
18 Since I met the NSPCC people , I have examined the advertising columns of the national newspapers .
19 I met the Hong Kong Finance Minister in February to put Cleveland 's case .
20 I met Mazzini ; I met the Countess Guiccioli .
21 When I consulted the Lancashire Association of Parish & Town Councils they had never heard of such a charge being made .
22 I mused on Toby 's story as I walked towards the clubhouse and so intent was I on my thoughts that I nearly knocked over Sally Drayton as I passed the PGA hut .
23 I got the West End Blues .
24 I got the West End
25 I got the Cray Cherubs , the Lost Teeshirts of Atlantis , The Turbulent Priests , Sonic Energy Authority — ’
26 Cos I got the Camden Race Course .
27 I hate the Madonna shots I 've seen , I venture .
28 I realise the Lady Yolande is a noblewoman and that you were instrumental in arranging her marriage to the late King .
29 I tried the Mimosa Club to see if anyone interesting was playing that evening but got no reply .
30 Taking the plunge , I tried the Boots home testing kit which consists of a lancet , a small plastic counter to hold a drop of blood and a measuring scale and indicator .
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