Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] done to [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Then it 's something someone has done to you yes ? ’
2 well they were always against me , well Bill was during the war , what I 'd done to them , finished all the decorating , put shelves up , go on the slate to put his aerial up , he would n't go up , I had to climb out my bedroom window onto the gutter and its a wonder I did n't kill myself then , put his aerial up and
3 and I did something strange to is and it became X to the six , what would I have done to it .
4 By giving me a little he was showing both concern for me and his determination that I should pay materially for what I had done to him .
5 And aye , I know what I 've done to her .
6 I know what I 've done to you .
7 I know what I 've done to it !
8 Denice has already decided she wants chicken , but is n't sure exactly what she wants done to it before it 's put on her plate .
9 ‘ What could she have done to you ? ’
10 From then on I began to interpret each nocturnal sound as a footstep or as a bolt sliding back , and in the misery of the night I turned round and round in bed , my nightdress winding itself tighter and tighter about me , while a little voice inside me complained , ‘ I tried to do right , and now look what you 've done to me .
11 ‘ Bully , ’ said Angela , speaking very earnestly to the alsatian , ‘ here 's your chance to make up for the naughty things you 've done to me .
12 ’ I says , ‘ Tell the sergeant what you 've done to me .
13 A friend of Soon-Yi said : ‘ Mia would wake her daughter in the middle of the night and scream at her : ‘ Look what you 've done to me — how could this happen ? ’ '
14 I 'll never forgive you for what you 've done to me . ’
15 ‘ But look what you 've done to me . ’
16 And then do what you 've done to me .
17 ‘ If he went now he would see all his previous life here as a waste of time , and in a way he is wreaking vengeance on his mother by being embittered and something of a failure — saying , look what you 've done to me . ’
18 The tissue , look what you 've done to it !
19 And peered into his face , as she had done to him as a child , searching for signs of fever .
20 Even after all she had done to him .
21 You must promise that you will show it to him as you have done to me . ’
22 And Phil Oakey must have eaten his own fringe when he heard what they 'd done to his malevolently provincial classic ‘ Do n't You Want Me ’ .
23 ‘ Harry d' you know what they 've done to her ? ’
24 The great voice which calls us all has appointed that one card will remain blank and another shall be full , and not for any good or well they 've done to him .
25 But the best-laid schemes of mankind and its security police can be blown aside in the squeeze of the assassin 's trigger , sending one to heaven and one to hell and not for any good or ill they 've done to him .
26 Just looking at what they 've done to me .
27 they 've done to it .
28 I do n't know what they 've done to it to make it spread , but still .
29 Cos in that electric meter , I do n't know what they 've done to it !
30 But that poor customer , John — I am sorry to keep going back to you on it , I 'm just seeking clarification — that poor customer has got to prove to your satisfaction that it 's a mechanical breakdown and not a result of what they 've done to it or somebody 's , at any time , negligence in assembly .
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