Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] done [art] same " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But , darling , suppose I had done the same when I was expecting you ?
2 Many 's the time I 've been with people whose eyes glazed over when I 've said I was a feminist and I 've done the same with people who say they love to play golf .
3 But I 've , what I 'm saying Rod is I 've done the same thing
4 When most of the dancers had set off for home , and Lucy had given Josie reason to assume that she 'd done the same , she sat in one of the empty offices for a while and then returned to the wardrobe department .
5 If you had been a small shopkeeper with some money why might you have done the same ?
6 ‘ Would n't you have done the same ?
7 To give the poor lad his due , he 's only one of many who 've done the same .
8 I 've had the occasional boyfriend in the past , and I 'm sure you 've done the same sort of thing .
9 Turtle , venison and turbot are named among the good things — provided mainly , it seems , by Joseph Cradock , who had done the same for the LNU at its opening at Harborough in 1809 .
10 I would like to tell you about two special friends who were blood brothers ( perhaps you also remember what it felt like to cut your finger and touch another who had done the same ? ) .
11 The local man replied " There would have been as much enthusiasm if you had done the same tonight . "
12 In preparing my statement so as to include another recent event , I was following the behaviour of my predecessors , who have done the same on such occasions .
13 She 's done the same again now .
14 Then he kissed me , and for a moment I remembered a play we were in together , when we 'd done the same sort of kiss , starting with his hand under my chin and just our lips lightly together , and then developing into a full clinch ; but by the time we were deeply embraced I had forgotten the play and could think only that this was like coming home .
15 It appears we 've done the same thing with the brick and the flints .
16 We 've done the same numbers every week
17 Er we 've done the same for Renault Trucks in northern France and in Dunstable , brought , brought the unions together simply through the contacts that we 've made here in Portsmouth .
18 No , we have done the same thing as before with the only difference that we calculated the potential instead of the electric field .
19 They 've done the same again !
20 It does n't occur to them that they 've done the same .
21 They 've done the same thing .
22 ‘ The reaction from my clients and business contacts was tremendous — perhaps some of them wish they had done the same — and one senior partner from the Big Six wrote and told me that his mother had been a great friend of Lady Reading , the WRVS 's founder , and that until he was 15 he thought all women dressed in green ! ’
23 A total of 40.7% of respondents chose their last holiday on the basis that they had done the same before and enjoyed it ; 19.7% went somewhere where they had always wanted to go ; and 17.9% went on a word-of-mouth recommendation .
24 They have done the same thing to us as Ward did — they suspended us .
25 Having publicly committed themselves to extending legislation to protect residents in small private residential care homes , the Government left it to a Back-Bench Member to bring in a Bill , and they have done the same thing again .
26 All quite in order , of course , he has done the same thing at least twice before .
27 HP figures it has done the same against Sun Microsystems Inc at the low end , claiming Sun 's attempt to break into the commercial market is based only on price .
28 Owen is making the point here that the sun once woke this man up , and every morning it has done the same thing , dutifully , as it had woken the rest of the world up too .
29 When Robert McFarlane was charged with withholding information from Congress about diverting arms sale funds to the Contras , Reagan openly joked that he had done the same and withheld information from Congress .
30 He had done the same for old and sick people when he lived in the Borinage , so it was nothing new .
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