Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] given her the " in BNC.

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1 She approved of my taste and I 'd given her the right amount of money for the red coat which I st ill have n't worn .
2 That wonderful love they had shared and which had given her the precious gift of a son .
3 see you 've given her the
4 ‘ Seb , you 've given her the opportunity to live , not once but twice .
5 She glanced across to Raynor again , and saw him bow his head in brief acknowledgement , and she smiled inwardly , for it was Raynor who had given her the clue , the idea , the knowledge of how to approach his people .
6 It would be typical of Jacqui 's naivety to believe that she was dealing with an honest man who had given her the only copies in existence .
7 Even those who had given her the most rapturous of welcomes soon forgot her , easily distracted by events outside the bus , while games of I-Spy were abandoned almost before they were started .
8 Jenny was the girl she lived with , and the one who had given her the impetus to finally escape the suffocating love of her father and uncle in Hong Kong .
9 And she went away and produced that document after we 'd given her the brief .
10 Fortunately they 'd given her the job back at the shoe shop , and she and I had to spend only evenings and weekends together .
11 Sarah , 27 , was attempting her first marathon , but admits it has given her the ‘ bug ’ .
12 She was already dutiful and anxious to please him , and she looked so pretty in a dress of sprigged cotton he 'd given her the money to buy for the wedding .
13 He reminded her of the day he 'd given her the locket and ring . ’
14 Staring blankly at the rubble , all that remained of the cottage , she tried to remember the exact words Leo had used when he 'd given her the cheque .
15 But it was after he 'd given her the ring that the cracks had begun to appear in her façade .
16 Anna had explained , and it had given her the opportunity to describe details her daughter found miraculous .
17 He had held on to her hand as her flight was called , and it had given her the way out without tears .
18 When he had given her the keys and the egg , and had left her , she first put the egg away with great care , and then examined the house , and at last went into the forbidden room .
19 Adam pointed to a framed cartoon , which he had given her the previous Christmas : a startled businessman gazed at a ghost ; rising from his desk drawer , it said , ‘ I am the spirit of old notes to yourself . ’
20 He had given her the capital for the first one on their twentieth wedding anniversary , when he had already bought a Georgian pendant that he dearly wished her to have , but before he chanced giving it to her he had asked her what she would like , and she told him .
21 But she was glad of that too , for she might have felt she was honour bound to refuse — she could hardly have consented without shame — but this way , he had given her the most intense pleasure , which crossed her back and forth in waves of shock and fear , redoubling upon themselves and increasing in strength .
22 She remembered how he had given her the creeps .
23 He had given her the excuse as usual .
24 Then , too , she had felt rather shy of him since Christmas when he had given her the violets and had tried not to encourage his obvious interest in her .
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