Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 God sent the Spirit of Jesus to his followers in order to equip them to carry on the mission of his Son in the world .
2 Beautiful women , dressed in anything from the flamboyantly obvious to the understatedly elegant , weaved in and out of the crowds , some of them hanging on the arms of men old enough to be their grandfathers .
3 Later , when we 're nearer completion , you might like to offer a free trip to the agents he recommends — get them to pass on the news to their customers .
4 ‘ And needed someone to carry on the family name and the title , to stop any distant relative from — ’
5 I put on the dress and it suddenly came to life .
6 Er , the first thing is I put on the top of my draught that I 'd rather the pupils were n't involved at this stage I 'd rather they were involved in the over view with form tutor .
7 The frown was back between his eyes as I put on the light in my room .
8 So at the end of each appointment you want a result and a result is either the business or introductions , hopefully both so I hang on the importance again .
9 ‘ And Theo , ’ he confided , ‘ when I pass on the heath here such a woman with a child on her arm , it pierces me right through , the melancholy , and my eyes get moist . ’
10 He 's sometimes in the hall when I pass on the way out .
11 I pass on the advice given by the Lochcarron police : Do n't panic , the pilots know what they are doing and where they are going .
12 As I hung on the phone , I ingested the sad evidence of a service which , although well-intentioned , simply had n't coped .
13 She plugged and unplugged that cross-wired old switchboard with the ease of someone switching on the radio .
14 In the next apartment , someone switched on the TV .
15 A night of beer-swilling revelry was abruptly deflated at 11.30pm when someone switched on the television for the draw for the FA Cup third round .
16 WITH nearly 20 years of trouble-free driving behind me , I was relatively confident and assured when I switched on the ignition for my first lesson in advanced driving .
17 The outside air temperature was above minimum , but I switched on the engine anti-ice anyway , just to be sure .
18 I switched on the engine , closed my eyes and … felt like I 'd just stepped onto a corporation bus .
19 When I switched on the radio a sober voice intoned the day 's bad news .
20 As I switched on the television prior to using is as the computer screen to write this article , a lady was interviewing the country 's strongest man .
21 On one tank I had , the fish panicked and hid every time I switched on the lighting .
22 I switched on the light in the bedroom .
23 I switched on the light in the hall .
24 Often , when I switched on the light to make sure that the dish was scraped clean , I was disgusted at the mess I had been eating .
25 At last , exasperated beyond bearing , I switched on the light again .
26 I followed in behind him erm the curtains were drawn , the room was in reasonable darkness and er I switched on the light .
27 From the rattles and clunks it 's difficult to tell what 's happening , but I switch on the cassette recorder in case .
28 But if you 'd wait until I switch on the hall light … ’
29 ‘ When I go out I switch on the video and know my cats are having a good time looking at visions of snakes , hippos , mice , rabbits — oh , just about everything .
30 I switch on the radio , open a newspaper or a magazine , glance at an advertisement — it all seems like madness to me .
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