Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] her [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She lets me furl her around for a while , and makes those shammy gasps she knows I like , and gives detailed promise of all that cocked and candid talent — before she calls a halt , slithers off the bed , corrects her clothing , brushes her hair , changes her shoes , powders her nose , slides my Johnson out of her mouth and insists on lunch .
2 No one to stop them keeping her here for as long as they wanted .
3 IF Baroness Thatcher is feeling just a teensy weensy bit smug at the news that the Tories are in such a mess that a high proportion of them want her back as leader , well who can blame her ?
4 She was so obviously upset by the break-up that I asked her out to lunch to cheer her up , and I asked her home because I thought my mother and sister might help her .
5 I asked her once about the packet .
6 Becky did not flinch from the cold water but took a deep breath as I lowered her down beneath Our Lady 's statue .
7 Then , slowly , she fell forward and I laid her gently on the ground .
8 Some years later , Hellen and I met her again in Hong Kong , where the impresario , Harry Odell , had brought her for a concert .
9 I met her once on one of my off-duty bookshop prowls , took pity on her and gave her lunch .
10 ‘ But when I pick her up from school I 'm not allowed to look around the other girls because I know her headmistress disapproves … ’
11 I checked her out with the FBI and she raised funds for the IRA in the United States — not illegal at that time — and carried the money across to her IRA contacts every month .
12 I trust her totally in her art , ’ Koons says .
13 I got her up to seventy-five , too .
14 I found her just in time .
15 But long before her death my grandmother was a ghost to me , as if she was never really there , even though I visited her regularly as a child .
16 This bizarre characteristic did not disappear with the end of the war , for when I visited her home during a sugar shortage in the 1970s , I saw the dining-room mantelpiece piled high with two-pound bags — enough , surely , to satisfy the most desperate sweet-tooth for months , or even years , to come .
17 I invited her here on business .
18 I steer her back towards the motel building , frog-marching her into Room 206 .
19 Herta kept her head down as I helped her off with her coat .
20 Now I send her back to Asyut .
21 I want her back at Mass next Sunday , and if you ca n't persuade her , then this belt of mine 'll have to do the talking ! ’
22 I mentioned her once in an interview and Perry began to cry .
23 With usual confidence , I told her not to be ridiculous , the possibility was infinitesimal — and not very big either ! )
24 No she 's quite , well I told her not to .
25 I told her off for not le not telling me she was ill .
26 I told her off for not let not telling us she was ill and she said no , no I 'm fine .
27 ‘ That person is here again , Miss Grenfell , she says she has slippers for you , shall I show her in for the fitting ? ’
28 Sally wanted to know how I became a caddie and I filled her in on my doings since we left university .
29 My head got stuck up there so I lifted her up in the hair and started swinging her around in my head .
30 ‘ I knew she was on this wavelength , ’ Elinor said excitedly , ‘ I believed her right from the start . ’
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