Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] just [vb pp] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Most pubs in the country probably have a few regulars who think their local is the best in Britain … but one of them has just proved it .
2 Unfortunately I am obliged to terminate at this stage , because someone has just passed me a note saying that the band has to depart at 11 pm , and it is now 10.30 .
3 ‘ Mother of God , I 'd just struck you .
4 I 'd just phoned it through and people started ringing up saying you know somebody 's mother tells me and can you come and do our son because he wants to do this and Yes sure .
5 ‘ But Mrs Aitken told me I 'd just missed him , so I got her to make me a cup of coffee . ’
6 As I got up Terry looked at me as if I 'd just announced I had a private income .
7 I 'd just worn them in , as well . ’
8 ‘ How do you make a karaso ? ’ said Kalchu , repeating the question I 'd just asked him .
9 ‘ But I 'd just seen you talking to Phena , who told you I was n't in the study , ’ he said softly .
10 Pete has never touched my hair in my life and there was some downstairs in that bathroom downstairs and I thought hey that looks a bit of fun , I 'll have a go at that and erm and I was outside and I took my hair down , I 'd just washed it and I said oh look , you know , I used this hair thickening shampoo do you think it looks thicker , as a joke , and he goes yeah it does actually , yeah it really does .
11 I 'd just told you he was divorced . ’
12 Well I 'd just got it in , and the doorbell went , it was Berty and Joke , Joke had on his uniform and all
13 I think the other thing also , I found it a disadvantage actually having it on the table , I think if I 'd just left it on the like that
14 I 'd just finished it when it was time to get off .
15 I see , I 'd just thought you 'd might like to go .
16 I used to go into a shop and I 'd shake and I 'd know that I was doing wrong and I 'd be really scared and I 'd just knew I do n't want to go to prison so I decide to stop it .
17 Because er my mother was fair and she must have carried it or something and then I I 'd just started I think a week of two or three weeks and my sister got it and the boys never got it .
18 I had just decided I was managing very well — there 's nothing to this after all — when something went pop .
19 I had just told him that on my arrival in South Africa I received a pressing invitation to Rhodesia , where I am now writing .
20 ‘ At that moment … when I had the TV sound off , I was in a 382 mood ; I had just dialled it .
21 I 've just invited her to my engagement party , ’ he added .
22 I ai n't got to , I 've just realised it was
23 You see , I 've just realised I love you , too .
24 I 've just realised I have n't either .
25 ‘ Because I 've just seen him making his way in this direction , ’ he concluded triumphantly .
26 I 've just seen him go past .
27 I 've just seen her going that way , and I 've just seen skinny Mick that she used to go out with a she had baby to , coming this way .
28 If you , oh shit I 've just ripped it !
29 sor he said I 'm sorry he 's going just when I 've just broke him in .
30 I 've just nipped it off the top of that one , that 's not growing any more
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