Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] been [vb pp] like " in BNC.

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1 I tried to remember when I 'd been held like that before , and by whom .
2 I 've been treated like a pin-cushion , but it seems to be working so far , ’ he said .
3 She went past him gathering up unsevered clusters of candles which had been hung like fruit above a tank .
4 Vehicles would then drive off , up the roller trackway Which had been laid like a silver ribbon across the soft shingle of the beach , and formed up in marshalling areas before moving on to their destination .
5 Besides , she had been caught like that by a man once before .
6 If we 'd been forced like myself I believe in a couple of years ' time , I will not be able to enjoy the pension fund that I 'm in at the moment we will have a problem , and we need to deal with that problem , and we need to raise the issue now and have a strategy , and I think it 's the G M B's to take a leading role in looking at this .
7 They 've been used like sectional housing .
8 Someone had arranged a scatter of sea-shore pebbles on a low trunk , trying for a random pattern to make it look as though they had been cast like dice .
9 The story of the RC — which will be given in more detail in another chapter — has still not been fully told , mainly because the documentation on it has been treated like the Crown Jewels .
10 Her grey hair had a dusty look , as though it had been powdered like a flunkey 's wig .
11 The Lord of the Rings would have offered fewer hostages to criticism if it had been written like that .
12 And erm slabs of it it had been cut like er it looked you know if you sort of cut lard or something like that .
13 It looked as though it had been woven like the baskets which were used to collect tea from the old plantations .
14 He had been called like this only three times before — to her knowledge .
15 It 's just a normal shop window — you know , with lights on and these statues and that , but it 's been done like it 's someone 's dining room .
16 It 's been made even more humiliating by the circumstances in which it 's been done like public rape .
17 It 's been twisted like Nelson 's dying words .
18 and erm they said er oh it 's been stolen like , rang our Wayne up , our Wayne went through to pick it up
19 It 's a long time since he 's been held like this .
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