Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] i said [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I mean I said to Shaun on a Friday night we 'd better decide this , otherwise there 's no point in us coming through tomorrow mate , we might as well stay at home and go to the football or something
2 But it ai n't much but it 's I mean I said to our I do n't know how she manages on that
3 Well like I mean I said to him I do n't think , you know I mean it was just ideas I think he said I 'm not saying do it .
4 I mean I said to her today I mean there was this costume there and I said here get that one there I said french maid outfit , nurse 's outfit .
5 I mean I said to Scott
6 I mean I said to him oh er what he 's really got to get really is a cooker erm cos I said to him , I , I said to him if you really want to try and move in next week then you have n't got another week 's money to pay for that , you know
7 I put I said to him
8 I know I said at the beginning that it could help save lives , am I er overstating the mark there ?
9 In the end I remember I said to him that I was just a spoilt Yank and my father sent me money so he need n't worry about a thing .
10 Then I did ask myself if we would see this place again ; and when Jaffa started to disappear to our starboard , I remember I said to myself : ‘ If this ship could turn round now , I would return to Jaffa . ’
11 When he landed the job of Beirut bureau chief for Cable News Network , I remember I said to a colleague that if Jerry was ever taken hostage , his kidnappers would probably wind up paying CNN to take him back — and I was only half wrong .
12 I remember I said to Billy something like , ‘ I thought she 'd never go .
13 But before I go I said to the
14 I think I said to you earlier — I did , did n't I — sometimes I forget what I 've said — that I wanted you to look after her . ’
15 it 's ab I think I said to you we 've got fifty , a good fifty-fifty split , if maybe not slightly more women actually on the course .
16 I went back to the mother and baby home , for another almost two years , and from there that was I think I said at the beginning , how I actually was introduced to Flats , and it was actually living at the mother and baby home , doing far more work with girls
17 I said I said to Peter and David , back in nineteen ninety one , I said we 've got a big problem .
18 and I said I said to Bob I said well , you know said well had n't you better get cos Shirley had had a go at Bob first off , before when , when I went in there first thing .
19 I brought the duck I do n't want the duck so I said to her I got the duck but after good girl and she you 're alright with one thing and another and I said I told her I said I said to her when we were over there I said look , look you 're right if you like again so er warden came round
20 I said I said to her , They 're talking foreign language .
21 You remember I said to you that the only thing any witnesses could agree on about the first bloke who killed himself was his staring eyes ? ’
22 totally ridiculous , erm so you know I said to Keith , well you know alright York races , better put that in and a you know I started getting
23 You know I said to her I said it 's not what you 're used to is it ?
24 And I cal , I called Alec yesterday morning like and asked , you know I said to him there 's only one and I said it 's the last one down there like .
25 he ferreted it out , but I , you know I said to Mike well if er , if he 's only chewing the paper
26 You know I said about the Indians not understanding about acting .
27 And that 's all now so Val said she said I said to Cheryl now do n't you go and take Mervy away cos me and Ken certainly are n't gon na go and sit sit with erm the 's all dinner time so she said what they 're gon na do , they 're going out for the meal and everything and then they 're Ken are gon na go to Cheryl 's for the rest of the day So I said so that 's upset your plans then Val she said is n't it just !
28 so she said I said to her how much the old front
29 And I made them jigs and whatnot. when they come to do it at Dolgarrog when they come to want them doing I said to the to the the chief engineer I said , he told me about they were going get these commutators done here machine .
30 COLBERT : I was sitting next to Bob Mcknight , and five seconds before it happened I said to Bob , the only person who can fuck this up is Tom Carroll .
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