Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] in [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She had no doubt it would be a very bad idea for them to go in search of Oliver and Cobalt .
2 To help them think in advance about the issues , members undertook pre-work relating to the quality Improvement Process and its state of progress in their domain .
3 We have all felt the frustration of dealing with institutions and bureaucracy — receiving the institutional brush off , the failure to generate a spark of interest or concern , knowing that nothing will be done and nothing change in response to your grievance .
4 This can be comforting to them to some extent , but what they really want to hear is that you will not only see that they are cared for properly for the rest of their days , but that you will help them to remain in control of their own finances and to be as independent as possible .
5 It was a common experience for me to fall in love with love and then be led up the garden path , only to be rejected and mocked .
6 As for me , I had to wait the whole summer and into the late autumn for rehearsals of The Jungle Book to begin , so I went back to South London , happy in the knowledge that soon I 'd be in a professional production and there 'd be someone in the cast for me to fall in love with .
7 Pop had bought a large inflated life jacket for me to wear in case of our ship being sunk , in which case you were all to hold on to the cords round my waist , and he would swim round and act as a watchdog !
8 In order for the exception under article 11 to come into operation so as to relieve drivers and those who permit them to drive in excess of the hours which are prescribed there must be a real emergency .
9 Thus , it is not for me to sit in judgement upon Daniel Miller .
10 No : if we want them to fall in love with us , we 'll just have to ignore them , and hope they do n't go away .
11 This convention retained something of the laconic style of drafting of its Latin American predecessors , and like them applied in principle to both the service of documents and the taking of evidence .
12 One possible way of getting round the problem of the ‘ doorstep ’ explanation is to write a letter to people in the sample to let them know in advance of the survey and the coming call by an interviewer .
13 Although there is considerable value in the notion that Paisley 's political movement always consisted of two elements in tension — rural evangelicals and urban ‘ secular ’ Protestants — it is also the case that many evangelicals could be quite pragmatic and recognize that the preservation of things which they valued because of their religious beliefs required them to work in alliance with others who wanted the same things for different reasons .
14 Oh , please God , she prayed , shake Perdita out of this ghastly mood and make her happy again , and look after darling Violet and Eddie , and Gainsborough and Ethel , and please God , if you think it 's right , let me fall in love with a man who is n't married , who falls in love with me and do n't make it too long .
15 I reassured myself that nothing could stop me keeping in touch with the women on a voluntary basis , provided they wished to remain friends .
16 I asked in front of the whole class , and you get out Lorna .
17 Over the volcanic centre of North Island I gazed in wonder on the mighty peaks and craters , remembering some of the Maori tales of love and feuds and jealousy that surround these mountains .
18 One such trip was during the first week that Mr. Shipsey started his business — the bakery door was open and Dad and I stood and watched the proceedings , I gazed in amazement as the tin loaves were drawn from the oven , trays of currant buns brought out , brushed with sugar water applied by a three inch brush and doughnuts sprinkled with sugar .
19 I gazed in admiration at the splendid mellow brick Tudor gatehouses of Trinity and St John 's with their painted coats of arms and their octagonal towers ; at the oriel windows , and the fantastically-patterned corkscrew chimneys ; at the playful Gothic-revival fantasy of the Bridge of Sighs .
20 At night when storms lashed from the North Sea I gazed in awe at the hill where the Hunmanby Dane had built his wooden castle and yearned to enter the past .
21 As to this , counsel for the council accepted the correctness of the following statement ( so far as it went ) which I made in Powell v McFarlane ( at 471 – 2 ) : " … the animus possidendi involves the intention , in one 's own name and on one 's own behalf to exclude the world at large , including the owner with the paper title if he be not himself the possessor , so far as is reasonably practicable and so far as the processes of the law will allow . " …
22 I mean in response to the general tone of the argument which was they want us to increase the leadership roles in the , in in local government and in in local communities and local councils we would we thought that
23 I mean in Italy for example , you know some of the bigger clubs , you know they 're literally run by your Fiats etc. , big very very big companies , and I would say eventually , I 'm not saying in the near future , but certainly eventually , that that might happen here .
24 and he , he just goes around thumping , kicking and , and going berserk during drama and the teacher just looks on and says calm down and I mean in view of the fact I 've written to the school and complained about , but you 'd think they would be keeping an eye and he hates drama so much and it , he 's got drama tomorrow , if he has any trouble tomorrow morning I 'm not sending him tomorrow afternoon I 'm gon na start keeping him home and if they ask why I 'm gon na say because you ca n't control your classes and you wo n't want to now
25 I mean in terms of hours of work and tea breaks and whatever it is you had , you know .
26 But I mean in terms of knitwear over the last few years I can give you one or two examples which I think you 'll readily er understand .
27 Oh sorry yeah I mean in terms of how , what numbers do we
28 So I mean in terms of identifying
29 I mean in terms of population I think I somebody did er Strathclyde regional council used to be a client of mine when I was with Three M er well you know a client of my rep up here but er and they told me some time that I think a huge percentage of the whole of Scotland 's population
30 Well it does really , I mean if we , it 's a question of whether the budget will stand the staff , is n't it , it 's not whether we , er I mean in terms of of redundancies it 's whether we cou , if we appointed people we could afford to keep them on , whether or not there was work , I mean we could have create work in some senses .
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