Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [not/n't] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the long term there must be improvement as Russia industrializes , but in the short term erm presumably we see the development of , of a , of a sort of Stalinist totalitarianism precisely because the screws are really being turned on people as much work is being got out of them as possible in order to accumulate capital and to build up basic industries and , and , and to divert , I mean not just into heavy industries , but to divert er resources into arms production as well .
2 Yeah and we 've seen some different erm they had I think it was actually waiver paper as well when Murdoch bought it , and for a while he honoured the political content and then he decided he was gon na do major changes , and this may all sound familiar to you but erm the effect that that had I mean not only on the , on the , on the end up being this side , but also on erm the Mirror because it meant that Page Three Girls were in on the Daily Record in Scotland erm it was , it was quite profound I mean there 's a broader argument here as to whether you you should get pampered to those possible denominator to taste erm it 's interesting that the Daily Sport and the Sunday Sport which are two I do n't know if they have anything like it in Japan , but they 're a bit like the National Enquirer erm it 's all made up baseball there 's a sad proportion of erm journalist stories of fantasy land stuff erm along with erm photographic content and er copy content which probably
3 Iago can take a stand with every appearance of confidence : Yet from that firm-sounding position he lapses into uncertainty — ‘ I speak not yet of proof ’ ( ironically true ! ) — but an uncertainty that suggests far more than it states , with its rash of words for perception and deception ( ‘ look ’ , ‘ observe ’ , ‘ wear your eye thus ’ , ‘ not … secure ’ , ‘ abused ’ , ‘ look ’ , ‘ know ’ , ‘ see … pranks ’ , ‘ show ’ , ‘ conscience ’ , ‘ keep't unknown ’ ) .
4 I speak not only of what I have seen , but of what I have read in your labour statistics .
5 I speak not only of the Army — although as Colonel Moore knows probably better than I , the acts of heroism you see there in the face of pain — wounds , cuts , torn limbs ’ — he looked at Mrs Crump ; she swayed slightly — ‘ severed arteries , gashed heads ’ — Mrs Moore was unaffected — ‘ and all the terrible lacerations and disfigurements received on the human body in modern warfare ’ — Miss D'Arcy nodded ; she was intrigued — ‘ but I speak of the self-inflicted torments of the Indian , the Negro and the Mussulman . ’
6 I did submit what I had written , and , not altogether to my surprise , I received not long after a letter from Eliot beginning ‘ I am sorry to tell you … .
7 That 's right , no , yes , I know not far from where we live really
8 you know and , and not only goes without the psychoanalyse , at least this is the sense I get not only about psychoanalyse , but also to sort of knocked out and , and er maybe that 's , maybe that 's trying to do and that was the point I also have n't read the book so I do n't know .
9 I refer not only to the fact that the match started with two wides , courtesy of Chris Lewis ; not only to the strange sight of an opening bowler in odd socks ( Neil Mallender black left sock , white right sock ) ; not only to the fact that England had no player with three initials for the first time since the third Test against New Zealand in 1990 , the selectors having left out Salisbury and having sent get-well-soon messages to DeFreitas , Tufnell and Fraser ; not only to the fact that Mallender joined the huge list of Test opening bowlers with a double ‘ I ’ in their name ( a list that in recent years has included Dilley , Allott , Small , Williams and Ellison : expect Millns to add his name to the pile soon .
10 I refer not only to issues about manpower and conditions arising out of the implementation of ’ fresh start ’ but to the clear opposition to privatisation of prison services , prisons or remand centres , on which I do not agree .
11 I refer not only to the substantial amount of money that was made available , resulting in a £45 per week rise for nursing homes , which cost us a total of £225 million , but to the amendment that allowed the Secretary of State , after community care had been in place for some time , to take account of the local authorities ' assessments of reasonable rates and of their experiences in general .
12 But this revival of national awareness is happening I believe not just in Germany .
13 Well I , I 'd never thought of taking anything like that until she said , cos I , well you never pay , it 's all new to me , I have n't done it before and she said oh no she said we take these small tins of stuff with us and er make our sandwiches , cos there 's a supermarket I believe not far from there
14 Would there be a fee involved , I mean I ask not only for me but for Ivan as well since he lives in Devon .
15 I lern not much at all .
16 No I do n't apart from getting married I do n't think he 'll leave you !
17 ‘ I 'm not going to do anything I do n't genuinely in my everyday life here . ’
18 Unfortunately , as was earlier on , central government has led the attacks , it 's led the attacks through Sheehey right the way through , and we were supportive of our police then , I think not only of this county , but of all counties , and all county police forces said the same , and we will support our police force , and certainly this budget recommends itself to that .
19 Well I did n't quite to the hospital .
20 But I had n't on with the horses .
21 I took , wait till I tell you come here , I I was gon na make Kelly and me sandwiches but I had n't enough for Dee and his girl and er I was n't gon na make tea for , for
22 Denudation chronology also produced a number of debates which centred not only on the existence of surfaces of a particular number , which was not readily resolved by trend surface analysis , but also on the mode of development of planation surfaces and the significance of earth movement in influencing the denudation chronology .
23 The same point applies to Tillich 's definition of religion as Ultimate Concern which refers not simply to man 's subjective concern , that is , the expression of his Ultimate Concern , but what he is ultimately concerned about , or that which is the source of his concern .
24 ‘ And it was , in my view , the lack of sufficiently rigorous and enquiring approach which led not only to the failure to appreciate that there was a Jersey partnership but also to some other of the faults I have identified . ’
25 ‘ It was , in my view , the lack of a sufficiently rigorous and enquiring approach which led not only to the failure to appreciate that there was a Jersey partnership but also to some others of the faults I have identified . ’
26 We are lucky to live in Oxford and to have in our Labour Council a body which cares not only for our community but also for our environment .
27 When asked how the tree came about she said ‘ Well , it 's just like God to make something useful out of what we think is rubbish ’ — a comment which referred not only to the fruit but also to her own convict origins .
28 Secondly , we must pay attention to the extension of the activities of the state itself , which results not only from the increasing scale of societies , but also from many other influences that encourage state intervention ; and to take a specific example , those influences which effected the transition from a ‘ night-watchman state ’ to a ‘ welfare state ’ .
29 In 1839 this political credo was given definitive form in the Idées Napoléoniennes , which served not only as a resumé of the history of his uncle but sketched , in some detail , a possible future regime .
30 For a ducal wedding in Mantua the following year Monteverdi wrote a second opera , Arianna , to a text by Rinuccini , and a dramatic ballet Il Ballo dell' ingrate , but nothing remains of Arianna except the heroine 's justly famous lament which survives not only in its original form but in the composer 's arrangements of it as a five-part madrigal in his Sixth Book ( 1614 ) and as a ‘ Pianto della Madonna ’ for solo voice and continuo in his Selva Morale ( 1640 ) ; it set a remarkable and long-lasting fashion for lamenti .
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