Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [to-vb] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The last thing I want to see is local authorities skimping on the police .
2 I 'm anti clique and what I want to do is open every opportunity and every door , my hesitation in talking to you , is that I have n't figured out how to open all the doors . ’
3 What I want to do is clear that with Mr and Mrs as well pay half of that
4 At that , some apprentices , whom I judged to have been well-primed and well-paid for their services , set up a feeble shout .
5 Nothing I seem to do is right .
6 The subjects I choose to do were French , English language , Co-ordinated Science , Design and realization , Geography , Integrated Humanities , Islam , contemporary issues and Maths .
7 Mr Deputy Speaker the last thing also that I wish to see is local authorities .
8 So the only thing I need to address is finding time to put curriculum statement in and we need to clarify that situation so you know why you 're at and quite happy .
9 Now that 's that I have to say is achievable in two weeks just the same .
10 ‘ What I have to say is important . ’
11 He himself claimed to have been present at the battle of the Boyne , as a private soldier in King William 's army ; later he deserted from the Royal Regiment of Dragoons ( Scots Greys ) when serving under the first Duke of Marlborough [ q.v. ] in Flanders .
12 ‘ There were quite a few interesting pieces , notably miniatures from children 's sets , which seem to have been popular in Holland in those earlier periods . ’
13 During the time that you 've been away from work you have certainly not been ‘ not working ’ — you have undertaken a whole host of activities which happen to have been unpaid .
14 The count himself appears to have been anxious for an English husband for his daughter , and negotiations opened for her marriage to Edward III 's fourth son , Edmund Langley .
15 He remained there for about two years before returning to England in July 1657 to take up a position as mathematics tutor to Joscelyne Percy , son of Algernon Percy , tenth Earl of Northumberland [ q.v. ] , at Petworth , an appointment which seems to have been due to the influence of the Puritan reformer Samuel Hartlib [ q.v . ] .
16 And it was this concern to avoid amy sectarian connotations which seems to have been uppermost in the minds of the organisers .
17 The only area which seems to have been devoid of buildings almost throughout the Roman period lay near the main centre of occupation in Birch Abbey and Evesham Street .
18 Patterson 's account of Belfast shows characteristics of conservative rural Scots lexical distribution , much of which appears to have been residual and is now obliterated by restructuring .
19 They skirted the palm-fringed swimming-pool which appeared to have been hewn out of solid coral-stone , and crossed it by means of a wooden bridge suspended above two huge boulders .
20 Though some of them seem to have been familiar with the writings of some of the others , each worked independently and developed a personal view of the mystical life .
21 Although about two-thirds of students still came from the gentry estate , an increasing proportion of them seem to have been poor .
22 It is surprising how many of the things that you want to draw are symmetrical in this way .
23 Whatever you want to do is OK by me .
24 But I just do n't understand why you want to stop being exciting pop stars and become boring rock musicians .
25 Who suffer the discomforts of living in a longhouse near the headwaters of the Amazon when versions of what you want to know are available for observation just down the road ?
26 The notion that we do not have to have anything to do with those who want to smoke is odious , as my hon. Friend the Member for Cardiff , West and Penarth ( Mr. Michael ) has said .
27 Any presenters or other Radio I producers who want to contribute are welcome .
28 The movement of the boundary which you seek to create is possible only under the terms of Policy E Ten .
29 The entertainment value for the people who paid to watch was non-existent , but it is difficult to criticise the players who tried their best in the conditions . ’
30 A retired postman who claimed to have been present at the Battle of Studley Constable was interviewed on television , and I still receive the occasional letter from Germans and Americans claiming that fathers or uncles had been at the ‘ battle ’ .
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