Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [to-vb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In Acme Transport v Betts [ 1981 ] 1 Lloyd 's Rep 131 , at p134 , Cumming Bruce LJ said that the Court of Appeal " were indebted to the judgment and tact of Counsel in that neither of them sought to confine us by referring to authority on the meaning of other exemption clauses in other contexts " .
2 And I believe that with the privileges that come to those who benefit most from the capitalist system there are obligations , and so the combination of that latter thought makes me want to do something about the inner cities , plus a revulsion at waste and hopelessness and dereliction and concern which is self-evident in some of these older towns and cities .
3 ‘ Yet no-one thinks to ask me about this .
4 Why did everyone want to put her in the wrong when she had done nothing to deserve it ?
5 Summer in the country , was the toast echoing in Diane 's ears as she went back inside ; and she shuddered , and wondered if she could think up something really cutting to say the first time one of them tried to treat her like a servant .
6 Although one of them tried to get him to America .
7 Mummy me want to eat them in the high chair
8 Mummy me want to eat them in that high chair , you staying out here ?
9 Other times she made me promise to keep them for ever , to remember her by , and say a prayer She was a bit vague who it was I was to pray to .
10 They have asked me to write to congratulate you on this well deserved honour , and I am very pleased to do so .
11 Luckily they seemed to want , even need , to talk , so it was n't necessary for me to try to head him onto other subjects as I had felt might possibly have been the case .
12 I told her that you had sent me to try to trap her into making unwary and unguarded statements and unwittingly to betray herself .
13 ‘ Then you would n't say no if I asked to take you in my arms under the pretext of inviting you to dance . ’
14 I 'ad to hit him with an ornament , and when his fam'ly got back from church 'is wife asked him what 'ad happened to his face .
15 Yes , just on the sub-ward level , of course there 's really , there 's a lot more investigations to go into targeting the resources , just I mean to target them in a city by having these standard mortality ratios for wards , but they 're all below ward level , and target the specific areas .
16 I mean to arm myself from this day on — be warned , lest you are tempted to trespass on my confidence .
17 ‘ There is a big future for this club , and I intend to put it on the right footing .
18 Councillor Michael Hannon , deputy mayor , who represents the Orford area where the bomb attack took place in February , said : ‘ I intend to do everything in my power to help relocate these tanks .
19 I intend to do it in a proper English accent ( You can do it ) .
20 I need to know the wiring for the Nato socket as I intend to use it for towing my caravan , but will need to alter the wiring to suit or obtain another Nato plug and add the 12n/12s plugs to this .
21 I have the advantage , Meredith , and I intend to use it against you . ’
22 I intend to return it to its rightful owner , ’ she said grittily .
23 ‘ That is my assessment of the case , Madame , as I intend to report it to my commandant . ’
24 I intend to introduce him to the Führer at that meeting , General .
25 For the Lord revealed , ‘ I intend to baptise them with tongues of fire ’ ( Wagner 1973:16 ) .
26 I intend to make something of meself , so I 'd be obliged if you 'd treat me with more respect . ’
27 We will take coffee at once and then I intend to show her over the house .
28 And then I agreed to do something for Émile that I did not wish to do , which made me ashamed .
29 But he was clearly relieved when I agreed to accept it at his hands .
30 Ever since James brought me the clothes of that unfortunate young girl , I have been beset by a conviction that I failed to notice something of importance . ’
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