Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [pos pn] right [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I was gardening and he said er er I bent over to do something and he said I just went dizzy , he said , and I fell over he said and then I realized my right side was paralysed .
2 ‘ When that failed I stuffed my right hand down its throat to stop it biting and then smacked it twice between the eyes with my left . ’
3 I moved my right arm .
4 Cautiously , sweating , with fiery stabs in every inch , I wormed my right hand between my body and the earth , and came to what seemed like a rod between the two .
5 I dropped my right wing suddenly as if I were turning into the cloud and immediately swung over into a steep left hand turn .
6 Here I raised my right hand and pointed my index finger straight at the bearded one .
7 ‘ I felt he was going to try and hit me again so I stuck my right hand out .
8 I went in for a tackle with Brian Mooney and I came off worse because I broke my right leg .
9 His face shrank into lines of hostility and I felt my right knee twitching with anger inside my trouser-leg .
10 As it appears from his zip top I smack my right fist into his face .
11 I retrieve my right hand , or what 's left of it , from Ernest R Dickerson 's mighty grip .
12 And er after that I think my right arm 's got badly burnt .
13 As she read her right hand strayed up to her left breast .
14 After you have stamped , you raise your right hand and , for some reason , shout , ‘ Shame the Devil ! ’
15 You rub your right hand on your left elbow and then move the hand to her ear to see if the coin has come back yet .
16 She moved her right hand , and made contact with something which slid into her hand as though wanting to be there .
17 She winced then as she stubbed her right foot on the side of the tin bathtub .
18 She drew her right hand out from the folds of her apron and thrust a piece of paper at him , averting her eyes as she did so .
19 The girls grin did not alter at all as she drew her right hand from her sleeve , holding a large , ancient , projectile-firing pistol , and blew off a large bit of the creature 's head .
20 She lifted her right arm and brought it down in a slashing sideways sweep on to his wrist , sending the gun clattering harmlessly to the corner of the room .
21 In the dream she lifted her right hand and stretched out her arm , the tiny pistol almost lost in the palm of her hand , pointed it at the man who had once been her lover — and shot him dead .
22 She lifted her right hand and pointed vaguely across to the left-hand side of her body .
23 And you know normally with the handedness , you do n't use your left hand unless you break your right wrist or something .
24 the shock , go up to them and say you know , have you had your right amount or have you taken some sugar and very often they 'll pull up and ah yes I 've overdone it .
25 Well I can tell you if you get your right grade firstly you earn a lot more money .
26 You lift your head and arch your back and , at the same time , you lift your right foot as far off the ground as you can ( while keeping your leg straight ) .
27 With both hands she pulled her right foot out from under her left thigh and placed it flat on the green carpet as a dancer will consciously reorganize his body .
28 She waved her right hand feebly in the air , as though the bone in her wrist were broken .
29 She waved her right hand in imitation of one of his patrician gestures .
30 Reaching out , she took his right hand and placed it very gently on her breast .
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