Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [vb pp] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Put simply , everyone has come together for the common good and economic prosperity of the river .
2 Separate studies by the Roper Organisation , a research group , and DDB Needham , an ad agency , have found that the proportion of shoppers seeking out particular brands and willing to pay more for them has fallen sharply since the late 1980s .
3 Nothing has gone right for Armiger or Tenby — remember him — and although Commander in Chief won two Derbys , the fact that Cecil 's more exposed two-year-olds failed to blossom must have been a great disappointment to him .
4 Nothing has gone right for Armiger or Tenby — remember him — and although Commander in Chief won two Derbys , the fact that Cecil 's more exposed two-year-olds failed to blossom must have been a great disappointment to him .
5 England captain Graham Gooch offered no excuses for his team 's humiliating defeat , saying : ‘ We set off for this series with high hopes but nothing has gone right for us .
6 Nothing has gone right on that side from the moment I began .
7 Works like the transcriptions of Berlioz 's Fantastic Symphony , and the opera excerpts , Hexameron , the Ballades , Legends , Polonaises , and then there are those colossal religious pieces , some well known , others complete rarities ; all extend our appreciation and knowledge as no-one has done previously for Liszt 's piano music .
8 I got dressed quickly in the bitter cold of the room , and washed when I could .
9 She would shuttle up with her equipment as soon as I got established just outside Uulaa 's territorial space .
10 I also made a promise to myself that when I got picked again for a major championship I would progress beyond the first round .
11 so when I got up half past six and I got shaved now at last , gon na go and get ready and pull the curtains back , oh what a of rain , I says oh I says
12 At the moment I look as if someone has slashed wildly at me with a knife .
13 She 'd 'ave killed me if I 'd gone home without 'em .
14 I 'd gone across to the old folks ' home to have a chat with Maureen and , inevitably , I was telling her about the trouble I was having .
15 ‘ You thought I 'd followed Simon to Adelaide , ’ she continued , ‘ but I 'd gone there on business .
16 I HAVE to admit that up to now , I 'd heard more about The Cranberries than of them .
17 I 'd suffered enough for my mistake .
18 Siobhan Redmond I 'd seen once in a revue by Marcella for St Andrews University and I tracked her down in Glasgow and asked her would she like to do a show for buttons for the newly opened Tron Theatre , who were interested .
19 ‘ I thought I 'd done well by managing to last two and a half minutes without coming up for air he said . ’
20 He 'd disliked anyone complimenting me and when I 'd done well in a race he 'd found it difficult to offer congratulations .
21 And Jill , the housekeeper I 'd employed just before leaving England , was just about holding the fort .
22 His arrival had jolted me back into a proper appreciation of my problems , which I 'd pushed aside in my enjoyment of Mala 's warmer mood .
23 As far as I could remember I 'd rowed ashore in a fairly direct line from Joanna to the beach .
24 I 'd caddied there in 1978 , but I needed to get the feel and my bearings .
25 It was n't a nice ten minutes , all the consoling thoughts I 'd scraped together during the night ran away and I was left alone .
26 And then how would I have felt , she asked herself as she hurled the jeep down the motorway , finding that I 'd fallen again for a man as cold and hard as that — finding out when it was too late what he was really like ?
27 To me it was all familiar ( why , only a few years before I 'd danced there with a stiff-backed medical student by the name of Achille Flaubert ) .
28 and I said to Andrea , I says Andrea those two are two of the tills I 'd checked yesterday in the middle of the day and they were spot on I said that money went yesterday evening !
29 I 'd seen Miss Mallender walking out along the pontoon to the boat and I 'd turned away from the window over the sink to 'and Mr Dysart 'is coffee when there was this great whoomph outside .
30 ‘ After The White Lion won they gave me £6,000 and told me to get them another , so I sold them three shares in Rambo 's Hall — who I 'd bought cheaply in a job lot as a yearling — for £1,500 each .
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