Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [vb pp] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The Brigadier appeared and , after much foot stamping and saluting , everyone got lined up and ready to move off , but not before the Brigadier insisted that there should be a bodyguard of four Commandos to protect the Piper .
2 Supposing one of them got carried away and hit the old boy too hard .
3 Nothing has done more than the cruise missiles to divide the peoples of the Atlantic alliance .
4 Warwickshire have a number of dual-purpose players and no-one has done better than Dermot Reeve , with 2,525 runs and 73 wickets in the last two championship seasons .
5 I should perhaps add that I was not a member of the committee who heard these appeals in the first hearing since I became involved only when your Lordships who sat in the first hearing suggested a second hearing under my chairmanship and accordingly I have not been asked to consider this matter apart from the discussion of the extracts from Hansard which have been put before us in this appeal .
6 ‘ Mary Joe Fernandez and I got hooked up though , and it would have been a fairy book finish if we could have won it .
7 ‘ The race was really lost at the start when I got bogged down and Andretti went into the back of me .
8 My mother always told me to put on clean underwear in case I got knocked over and taken to hospital , but the possibility that someone 's drunken wife might decide to revenge herself on her husband by going down on me was not a scenario we had ever discussed .
9 Now it was there that we became separated , I developed a very bad throat and could not fly , just before we were ready to leave for overseas as in his crew and the other crews that were there went on whereas I got held back and of course the way I feel about it is that that week that I got held back , saved my life .
10 I had not even finished writing this before I got carried away and bought myself another Christmas present — a Synodontis angelicus .
11 Someone has pointed out that this would require an ability to control the Royal Mail to ensure that letters did not get lost !
12 I 'd dithered , and I 'd got tired and I 'd gone off and been
13 I 'd heard somewhere that you ca n't stop it after the end of the third month .
14 Toby stood at my elbow , and when I 'd hung up and told him said , with a strange urgency , almost like despair : " No , no , not this Sunday , for Christ 's sake , ca n't you get out of it ? "
15 erm because I 'd phoned up and asked for them , er my secretary had phoned up and asked for a meeting with her but the response was we 're not allowed to meet with you , so we said okay , cos it 's public money and things
16 Limited which seemed mostly to involve advertising and but I 'd written off and told them their candidate was .
17 We go two lads there with hardly any work on me and Jan are alright now we got a third person Graham has n't got much on and er Ri Richard 's scraping round for work , so of course my ears pricked up like so I thought , Mike sensed that I 'd looked up and he looked at me and er so I just looked back he said God , God had never invented a woman with small ears !
18 Er I 'd , I 'd picked out because I knew a lot about the client whereas here I know nothing about the client .
19 ‘ I did pick up a lot of younger listeners with the early evening shows and it 's harder for them to tune in now , which I regret , but , without wanting to sound melodramatic , I would have done myself a mischief if I 'd carried on and I already feel better . ’
20 ‘ I did pick up a lot of younger listeners with the early evening shows and it 's harder for them to tune in now , which I regret , but , without wanting to sound melodramatic , I would have done myself a mischief if I 'd carried on and I already feel better . ’
21 It was time to retire , to return to England-land , to the genteel sheltered accommodation I 'd fled more than a decade earlier .
22 He came back from the loo and I had to stop myself telling him what I 'd found out and that it did n't seem silly or neurotic or hopeless or anything , but just very thoughtful and touching .
23 If I 'd found out where you went I 'd have caught you at it . ’
24 As I had to go to Beskett this young woman had not long been married and she always used to ask me to call at her house in Palfrey , cos I used to go on a bike not in a van , on a carrier bike , she used to ask me to call at her house in Palfrey to see if there were any mail from her husband and he was , there sometimes was sometimes there was n't nothing you know that he 'd written and er one day I 'd got back and er she was all in tears and er he , he had been killed in France and I was glad I did n't have to be the harbinger of the times you know she still lives in Palfrey now Mrs yeah .
25 and it was in quite a big space , I could off got in behind him and then changed if I 'd reversed in but when I saw this other chap sat in his car and then he indicated he wanted to pull out , so I let him go
26 On the back of the packet was the phone number of Prior , Keen , Baldwin 's motorbike messenger service which I 'd jotted down while snooping in their postroom on Friday afternoon .
27 That was after I 'd sold out and sent Julia to … overseas .
28 Yet if I 'd known then that the cup was Undry …
29 I only wish I 'd known before that he was so ill .
30 about ten past one , well I had indigestion all night and I could feel it , and we 'd had our tea and I thought oh I do n't know , but I went to bed feeling alright and suddenly I woke up I thought oh my god I 'm gon na be sick , I come running down stairs , but you know I was , I was sick but I know I had n't finished and I 'd sat down and I was sick three times .
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