Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [vb pp] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Everyone has got so used to safe , tidy music .
2 It 's a shame really that no-one has come forward to apply for it , because it 's such a lovely , wonderful bungalow .
3 I got fed up working in the library on fine autumn days and went cross-country running .
4 If someone has learned how to operate a word-processor or complete an accurate and intelligible technical drawing then it may be that these are skills he can build upon and will not have to relearn .
5 If you ca n't find these three files then the chances are that someone has deleted then to save space .
6 I helped set up WIN after the war and was one of its representatives in London .
7 His a terrible , so we did n't go near him right through on the playing field , and then Katherine , I found to get , I sat , found a way to get them near Matthew and then Katherine said , I tickled him on the back , and I 'd kept on doing that . .
8 If whatever happened to Summerchild that year had n't happened — if he had n't been found lying with the garbage in Spring Gardens — if Millie had n't stopped playing in the orchestra — if I 'd gone on seeing her week by week — grown up with her — become easy with her — married her — then Timmy would still have a mother at home .
9 ‘ My mam would have had a fit if I 'd gone out dressed like that .
10 But then , she thought guiltily , maybe if I 'd gone out to work I would n't have interfered so much in their lives .
11 Then I did n't anticipate , I was yanked out of the back of the court , I 'd gone there to see some proceedings with people I was involved with and all of a sudden the barrister for the defendant said , is a Mr in court ?
12 Now that would not be what one would expect er two months ago if I 'd said well look you know that 's that 's what the revolution 's gon na bring about you would 've said I do n't believe you .
13 We are , after all , allowed only one life in this world and I 'm glad I 'd decided not to let mine just drift away .
14 Though I 'd learned that the black abaya dropped the temperature by degrees , and though I 'd worn both veil and coat at various odd times , such as in storms , or in the desert heat , the sight of a European woman in such an outfit on an ordinary day in a compound or town would be more than anyone , including myself , could take .
15 I think they were playing on the , the sheet I 'd sent back does n't say that we had n't had any official conformations , still did n't , although we had , had it on the telephone we had n't had anything written .
16 ‘ There I was being really good , ’ Leslie says , ‘ I 'd given up smoking seven months before I became pregnant to get it all out of my body .
17 I 'd tried not to make my apartment look too intimidating .
18 When the oral antibiotic I 'd used before did n't work this time around , I insisted on seeing a specialist .
19 I 'd thought roughly speaking in that area , yes but
20 Not that we 'd actually fallen out , but I 'd walked away to check the markers and I had 127 to the hole and Lee said it was 147 — and that 's a difference between an eight and a seven — so I said , ‘ You got it wrong . ’
21 ‘ I did n't know what to believe , I 'd got so worked up … ’
22 It did n't matter which lead mode I selected , when I 'd pulled enough gain out of the system to create the required feel , the volume had all but gone , rendering the sound pretty unusable since it was way below that of my other patches .
23 It was a trick I 'd learned never to do without a crash helmet .
24 Forty minutes later my neck was long , my hips were free , my knees were out , my back was wide and I 'd learned how to sit down .
25 For that reason , I came determined not to paint buses and taxis .
26 For that reason , I came determined not to paint buses and taxis .
27 I get fed up doing the .
28 Well we 're going to mum 's but Geoff said well I I hate them cos Bobby and Pam are going I think this year he said well if I get fed up doing that evening he said I 'll come home early .
29 I expect Sinbad feels that as I 'm in the last few months of my final year , she 'd better pack me with as much experience as possible before I get whisked away to act staff nurse in some ward .
30 Would I have known how to connect .
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