Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [noun prp] [be] that " in BNC.

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1 ‘ One of the reasons I chose London was that it 's a fast course and it would more special to break a record in front of a home crowd , ’ she said .
2 I think Mr is that before we set the .
3 What concerned him more than it did George was that the child would be a boy .
4 ‘ Maybe what upset Dustin was that he knew that , although he was the better actor , Steve 's performance in Papillon was superior , ’ commented Norman Jewison , who had directed McQueen in The Cincinnati Kid and The Thomas Crown Affair , but who never worked with Dustin .
5 What troubled Bumer was that Hollywood was ‘ not seeking to establish any definite set of values ’ .
6 What puzzled Jaq was that the Genestealer rebellion , now so bloodily suppressed , was a natural threat .
7 What puzzled Jack was that he himself was very happy at Bradley Fold West and he had settled into the routine and managed the duties without any problems .
8 What bothered Franco was that Don Juan was beyond his control .
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