Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [adv] from a " in BNC.

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1 I mean apart from a monstrous attack on our own officers who ca n't answer for themselves in this place .
2 My wife and I returned recently from a visit to our son in South Australia , and whilst there we paid several visits to the local RAFA branch .
3 I heard afterwards from a lot of excited chattering in the dining room that George had stood alone outside the rear door of the dome car on the brink of space , directing a bright hand-held torch beam down the track .
4 Now and again , of course , you have to deal with the awkward moments , like someone reading aloud from a Sunday paper the ‘ sordid story of perverted vice ’ which has obviously been concocted over a few jars by a hack hounded by deadline .
5 And I went then from a , a timber mill and they there 's various different jobs I 've been in since then , you know ?
6 I learned recently from an article on Craven Arms station in the Railway Journal that the Shrewsbury and Hereford Railway , authorised by Parliament on the 3rd August 1846 , was not the only scheme to link these towns .
7 Of course , I drank deeply from a mixture of relief at the Queen 's open support as well as the need to forget the horrors of that grisly chamber .
8 He already knew most of the city 's different districts and its short cuts , its sudden changes of place and people ; it was just that now he would see the shop windows shining at night instead of by day , see them gliding past from a car or taxi window as he was driven home for the night .
9 Erm I know there had been occasion when we had people sleeping on the the stairway and you know , I think occasionally and but I think sometimes that was maybe somebody got home from a blues party , and had too much to drink or something , and they came into the warm , the heat w from the the downstairs flat , er k comes up on the stairwell , and I know there was someone sleeping there .
10 The only minor disappointment is the rather short chapter on the personal social services which suffers somewhat from a rather overambitious attempt to cover too much ground ( i.e. the role of the statutory sector as well as the contribution of both the informal and voluntary sectors ) .
11 Father Peter took three earthenware bowls from a small cupboard near the inglenook and served them generous portions of soup from a black bowl which hung perilously from an iron hook above the flames .
12 ( One might argue against the concept of ‘ right-minded persons ’ , which moves away from a statistical concept such as ‘ most people ’ or ‘ the ordinary citizen ’ and seems to seek a moral plane which is ‘ right-minded ’ , a question-begging approach in this context . )
13 She woke slowly from a vague dream as an errant breeze drifted over her face , coming to rest on her mouth .
14 Cortot , who suffered painfully from a sense of his own imperfections , would have been gratified to know that future as well as contemporary admirers joined him in realizing that there are , perhaps , higher things in art than mere discretion .
15 Belgian pig breeders , who suffered severely from an epidemic of swine fever last year , are concerned that the illness might spread .
16 I 'd now like you to hear directly from a young person for whom access to one of our projects in the United Kingdom has made major changes in her life .
17 Christina wanted to remind him that he had only helped with the backing and that the real work had been done by Stephen and her , but she kept quiet and instead watched Jean Reece-Carlton as she turned away from a gloating Robert in disgust , muttering something under her breath .
18 An RFL who practises mainly from an office or offices in England and Wales can apply for this status without further change .
19 The visitor to the Museo Guarnacci of Volterra is not likely to forget the series of urns with strange scenes of marauding Celts who run away from a Fury .
20 She arrived home from a foreign holiday yesterday considerably richer than when she left .
21 And nor , she might have added , did she run away from a fight .
22 A woman has been attacked and raped by two men as she walked home from a pub .
23 A SEX attacker who pounced on a woman early on Sunday in Troon as she walked home from a night out is still being hunted by police .
24 Much the same would have been thought of Jessica as she would have been seen as someone who walked away from an evil religion and stepped into the right path .
25 A PENSIONER was raped early yesterday as she returned home from a church service .
26 The bodies were discovered by Mrs Anderson 's only child , eight-year-old Kelly , when she returned home from a school function .
27 THREE lifeboats , three tugs and an RAF Sea King helicopter were yesterday searching for an 18-year-old lifeboatman who fell overboard from a fishing boat .
28 I think erm there is a erm a size issue that enters into that particular consideration , erm clearly erm if you build a small new settlement very close to an existing large settlement , then the prospects for that being reasonably self contained are much reduced to that of a larger new settlement in the same location , and I would agree that the further in in general the further you move away from an existing centre then the likelihood is that that settlement will become more self contained .
29 Her old white dress and purple shawl She bought once from an ancient stall .
30 The offence in s.3 will not be committed by an accused who walks away from a betting shop or brothel .
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