Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [adv] [vb mod] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Why , I mean alright should you so that one of the would , is that , carry it around for you .
2 I mean well can you explain that again ?
3 But I mean like could you plug that into a normal Walkman ?
4 So there 's not a lot of point if I say well can you tell me what you 're doing ?
5 I thought well should I go up ?
6 Right now what I do now can I just have there 's there 's a form here
7 Well I have to say that as a result of last night 's session I have a much healthier view of Hydro Electric and I do so would I have got that from the programme ?
8 All that 's great , fine , yes , lovely , and I said well can you write a few then , please , and we 'll put some in .
9 I said well will you please stop the girls saying the use of portable telephones are not permitted
10 I 've already could you take it off ?
11 Like , you 'd better can I get rid of these ?
12 You know when you actually , when you er finally when you leave here will you be obviously the flat 's coming down , you 're gon na be leaving it here
13 I 'll finally accept it , i the thing she is she got a green velvet suit from Ron and the lady said to her she said well will you be in Hello , i she said I thought we 'll be in Packaging News !
14 he said I 'm properly on the spot , so he , so the woman volunteered , she said well can I help you , I 've got my fortnight 's rent money here , so she let him have the rent money .
15 So she told us the last time she was round she was going on a course for that sort of thing and she said now would you like to try it said fair enough .
16 If you said please may I have the marmalade it might arrive .
17 cos we ca n't just stand by and watch her fade away can we ?
18 Yeah cos er Jim had just come on duty and she was going up in the lift with somebody and they said please can we have five pounds , your mother 's just had her hair permed
19 But anyway , just before the end of the morning , they said erm could we practise our talks on each other , and there was only ten minutes left so I said , yes and they said well can we go somewhere quiet ?
20 So what how does it compare now would you sa is that kind of erm the other places that you 've lived at you know you 've lived at , Valley and .
21 That was like that was like your man big Albert when they were out and this fucking fella says to him do us a favour mate and he says aye , no problem I 'll do it if I can he says well would you go out sta put your take your trousers down , show us your arse
22 Well a man came earlier on today and he said please would we record conversations that we have all the time .
23 I think it 's best if you go Alan so he said well shall we ask the children what they think , so he brought all the kids down
24 mm if he had it serviced regularly would it stop it do you think ? , still have to have the work done ?
25 ‘ You 're really not being noticeably helpful , ’ he said after a pause , ‘ so let us try again shall we ?
26 You just ca n't think of anything to say now can you .
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